Barbara Rose, Ph.D. is the bestselling author of thirteen books and a world leading expert in personal transformation, and spiritual awakening. She is a pioneering force in incorporating Higher Self Communication, the nondenominational study and integration of humanity’s God Nature into modern personal growth and spiritual evolution. Dr. Rose is known for providing life changing answers, quick practical coaching and deep spiritual wisdom to people worldwide. She is the Founder of International Institute of Higher Self Communication, ICARE, and World Council of Transformation Specialists. She works in cooperation with some of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity.
Her Website is BORN TO INSPIRE.COM http://www.BornToInspire.Com
My Astonishing Real Visit from Jesus Christ
Dr. Rose provides select clients with world leading spiritual professional training to become a Certified Life Transformation Specialist (Select Clients means she does not take on every client who wishes to receive her services.)
Life Transformation Private Intensive
Provided to Clients Globally via Telephone
Held Globally via Telephone
International Institute of Higher Self Communication is also THE OFFICIAL HIGHER SELF COMMUNICATION WEBSITE:
Global Humanitarian Religious Peace Treaty
Earth's First Official Higher Self Communication Yahoo Group
My Fountain of Youth!
In two months I look TEN YEARS Younger.
I have genuinely discovered the Fountain of Youth
and MUST share this with you.
"In one moment your entire life can change course.
The moment you decide where you are going
because you refuse to go back to where you have been."
Quote from the book Individual Power
by Barbara Rose
"Everything you've ever wanted to be
is already inside of you awaiting expression."
--Barbara Rose, Ph.D.
Did anyone ever tell you
that adversity
Can cause you to triumph?
Did anyone ever tell you that your endeavors,
No matter how large or small are actually needed?
Did anyone ever tell you to ask yourself
How you REALLY feel about any concern you have
And to follow your actual feelings?
I am guiding you to follow that deepest truth that
Exists within your heart.
Once you do, your life will begin to soar!
© Copyright 2007 by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved
For much more visit
For articles, excerpts, seminar downloads, to register for or request private sessions via telephone, please visit
THE OFFICIAL HIGHER SELF COMMUNICATION WEBSITE provides a plethora of answers in down to earth terms helping humanity transform life into being in love with life, now.
You can also receive free help in earth's first official Higher Self Communication Yahoo Group - English Language: