Barbara Desmarais has been working in the area of children and families for over 30 years. Her formal background is in Early Childhood Education which led to work in preschools and daycare centers. She went on to work with children with special needs in particular, deaf children. She worked with deaf and hard-of-hearing children and adults in a variety of settings for many years .
In 1988 Barbara was invited to lead a parenting course for deaf parents which introduced her to the field of parent education. At that time she was raising her own young family including her twin, deaf step-sons. For several years she led the course "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk" by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. She also taught "S.T.E.P." (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting) by Gary McKay and Don Dinkmeyer. From there she went on to design her own parenting workshops based on the philosphy of the courses she had been teaching. She was also inspired by the work of Barbara Coloroso. In her workshops she shares a lot of her own personal experiences raising her 4 children. Her coaching has been described as "life changing."
Barbara began training as a life coach in 2002. Coaching parents was a natural niche to step into. She coaches parents privately over the telephone and presents workshops in the Vancouver, British Columbia area. She has been a guest on many radio shows and podcasts. She is also a regular contributor to "Today's Parent" magazine.
Barbara has been a student of the Law of Attraction since 2002 and is working towards certification from the Law of Attraction Training Center. She often incorporates the LOA into her coaching.
Barbara is a frequent contributor to Canada's leading parenting magazine, "Today's Parent".
Barbara has written many articles related to parenting that are widely published throughout the internet on family related websites.
Parenting is the most difficult job we'll ever have. It's a job that not one was is trained for yet there is an expectation that parents have the knowledge to raise a child to be confident, responsible, productive, thoughtful, and all the other qualities necessary to succeed in life.
Virginia Satir said: "Parents teach in the toughest school in the world; the school for making people."
Although parenting is the most difficult job you'll ever have, there is nothing you'll do that will come close to bringing you as much joy. Also, the word "love" is re-defined when you have a child.
You love your children but the challenges you're having are outweighing the fun and joy of being a parent. You find yourself responding to situations the best way you know how but you're not getting the results you're hoping for. You know there must be a better way but you're not quite sure what it is. If this is you, consider signing up for a complementary coaching session, or call for a consultation to learn more. Visit my website at . You can get started by reading my blog or one of the many articles I have posted on many topics related to raising a family.
Phone: 604-534-1783
Toll free: 888-233-7920