Anita Briggs is a spiritual scientist, healer, writer, founder of the Inner Master Tools for Healing, and creator of Remote Healing Programs that she does about twice a year. Deeply immersed in the energies and impulses of the time, Anita brings over 25 years of esoteric studies and 12 years in private counselling practice to her work that is focused on accelerated healing and transcendence to new orders of being. She has spent the last two years in deep exploration work to support healing at the planetary level, and from the discoveries made during that time, is now wholly dedicated to bring methods for attaining to freedom quickly. Her belief is that healing is an evolutionary necessity at present, and not healing is disastrous at this time.
If you are seeking true and accelerated awakening to freedom and the ability to clear anything you are faced with and reach the deeper mind of the Higher Self in daily life, please have a look at the upcoming Remote healing Session Program starting in September 2012. Everyone can benefit no matter what your level of awakening. See link above.
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"You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. This is not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Nelson Mandela, 1994
“ When you behold expansion with love, you empower your life with richness. If you think life in terms of conflict, scarcity, and destruction, you will sanction a denial of your own higher power . ” The Master, in Love Without End by Glenda Green
On the power of love:
“Love mediated by way of the senses is the wellspring of creative power, of that which is coming into being. Without sense-born love, nothing material would exist in the world; without spiritual love, nothing spiritual can arise in evolution. Love is the creative force in the world.” Rudolf Steiner, from Love and Its Meaning In The World
“Only love creates, and only like itself. Creation is the opposite of all illusions, for creation is the truth.” ACIM (Lesson 320 p. 461)
Seek the Kingdom of God-feel it, embrace it, express it, gratify it, and celebrate it with all your heart, and whatever desire that passion holds shall be given to you. This is the key to desire's fulfillment. From the Keys of Jeshua by Glenda Green
All One = Al-one....There is only God...only consciousness is real and all consciousness is in God...In the deepest core of being, you are God
My work is devoted to supporting greater awakening in those who are seeking to embody the Living Light that is near at this time in evolution.
I may be contacted for personal clearing sessions at . I offer telephone sessions and distance healing. You may read client testimonials on the About Us page on
If you have questions on the Inner Mastery Tools, please email me at .
If you are a healing practitioner interested in getting your work to a next level of effectiveiness, please email about our upcoming training programs and certification.