Allan Wright is an authority in the field of emergency medical and survival preparedness products. He is presently the Senior Vice-President of First Aid Kit Products. The company specializes in supplying first aid kits, first aid supplies and disaster preparedness products to both the private and public market sectors.
Mr. Wright has been involved with emergency medical and survival supplies for over 12 years. Starting in this field as a sales manager with The Survival Gear Store, a retail outlet catering to the hiking and backpacking community in south-western USA.Then, in 2002, he joined First Aid Kit Products as their projects manager. In 2009 his commitment to the company was acknowledged with his promotion to Vice-President.
Over the past 4 years First Aid Kit Products has, and continues to, increase its market share by providing high quality, custom built 72-hour survival kits and first aid supplies designed for home, office and classroom. These emergency preparedness packs and first aid products will provide real comfort and support to those caught in a crisis situation.
Are you and your family prepared for the first 72 hours?
Experience gained from past disasters has shown that it can take up to 72 hours or more to mobilize a significant relief effort during an emergency. Therefore everyone needs to be preparing to cope on his or her own for at least the first 72 hours – that’s 3 days – of an emergency.
Of course common sense dictates that we should be prepared for any emergency situation, however the fact is that only a few of us are ready for even the smallest crisis, let alone one of larger significance.
One obvious advantage of being prepared - it allows emergency workers to focus on people in very urgent need of their help. To support their efforts, the rest of us must to be prepared to look after ourselves for at least 72 hours.
Please see the information concerning Survival Kits at First Aid Kit Products
Start to plan today!
As neither man-made nor natural emergencies can be predicted; therefore it is imperative that we are all prepared well in advance of the disaster.
I cannot over stress this point.
Prepare your emergency kit and your family – so in the case of a major emergency like a flood or blackout – you are ready to take care of yourself and your loved ones for at least 72 hours. You should be prepared to live without running water, electricity, gas, telephones and assistance from safety services for at least three days following a disaster.
Please read the articles that you will find at First Aid Kit Products