Adele Marie is an International Author, Channeler, Visionary Messenger, Metaphysical Teacher and Clairvoyant Medium, her visionary insights and predictions will amaze you as she walks you through her world of knowledge in the spiritual realms. Adele works with clients all over the world; her clients list includes many known stars and main stream notable figures. Adele has delivered private, personal and corporate seminars on mediumship, meditation, and life after death, soul contracts, intuition, personal empowerment and dreams, including her work as a Professional Visionary Messenger. Offering mediumship development classes, guided meditations, private and group gallery readings, workshops and seminars on a variety of spiritual topics..
Adele is that rare expert in her field and will delight the senses as she opens the doors to the spiritual realms around us.
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Adele is the Psychic and Mediumship Reporter on Examiner
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on "Farther Down the Rabbit Hole" with Paula Gloria and "New Realities" with Alan Steinfield, in New York City
Spirit Speaks Galleries is where you will find Adele demonstrating Mediumship Message Delivery
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