A zealous and inspirational figure with a captivating energy that pulls people to her, Internationally renowned Dating & Relationships Coach, Yangki Christine Akitengis a dazzling icon and a powerful testimony of a merging of ancient and modern cultures.
Born and raised among the NgiKarimojong (a.k.a. Karamojong); tall, lean and flamboyant warrior people of East Africa who have managed to retain a lot of their culture in spite of various pressures to abandon them like many other African "tribes" have, Christine has devoted her life to the blending of indispensable age-old wisdom with modern realities into a prescription for passion, vitality, balance and effortlessness.
Her thought-provoking message of conscious intentionality offers singles new, realistic and stimulating insights to rediscovering the mysteries and eternal beauty of men - women sexual relationships.
Whether she's working one-on-one with a client or speaking to audiences, Christine's intellectual boldness, clarity of thought and active conscience appeals and resonates with many men and women seeking an authentic and wholistic approach to manifesting the loving and fulfilling relationship they long for and dream about.
Her quiet exterior, soft-spoken voice, infectious good humor, humility and deep compassion has brought hope and healing to hundreds of singles spread across five continents.
Christine is the author of three other helpful e-Books and over 300 dating and relationships articles that have helped thousands worldwide transform the way they date and relate and increase their chances of attracting love and creating the relationships of their dreams.