Bill has waded through six decades of broken bones, bruises and bleeding to help himself and others fix broken realities and create new and better ones. He finally reached The Land of Simple with a smart success formula that aligns three critical processes: (1) clarifying your primary purpose in doing something (2) getting the right perspective on things, and (3) applying magical "P" Point Principles (little, but well-timed and well-placed efforts that get BIG results). Dr. Bill has climbed the educational ladders at several universities, attended world-class training workshops from Big Sur to the Australian Outback, and engaged in six different careers (mental health, education, law enforement, prison administration, building maintenance and private security) all to learn some valuable wisdom about success to share with others.
Professional Seminars on: --Success Principles --Being Your Signature Self --Common Sense Leadership --Time Management --"P" Point Management --Success Quest --Anger Management --Success With Single-mindedness --Critical Thinking --Success Quest --Security Awareness
Twenty strong impressions: (1) Success is what you get from doing certain things that get it: Mainly aligning with three important processes: (a) clarifying your primary purpose for what you are trying to do (b) getting the proper perspective to see the finish line and be optimistic and flexible in dealing with obstacles, and (b) applying smart "P" Point principles of thinking, choosing and acting to achieve your purpose (the little interventions and actions that are well-timed and well-placed and get the biggest results with the least side effects). (2) Life is both a journey and a destination; when you get the right destination on your radar screen, the journey becomes more fun. (3) Our greatest enemy is our dualistic thinking habit of artificially classifying all things as either right, good, positive and useful or wrong, bad, negative and useless; that habit needlessly cuts happiness in half. Of course that is what I am doing right now! (4) The creater didn't give you a longing in your soul to do something great without also giving you the ability to learn the abilities to satisfy that longing. (5) Success is often right around the next corner you are most tempted to give up on reaching. (6) Often, the best way to help yourself is to figure out how to help others satisfy their needs. (7) It makes perfect sense to be optimisitc and positive--especially in the middle of adversity when it is hardest--because you feel better and get better results. (8) Much of success and happiness is just remembering to do what matters most (truth) and letting go of the rest (BS nonsense). (9) Expectations can sure get in the way and using any amount of effort to diminish their power and importance, is worth it. (10) The secret of abundance is that there are unlimitted ways to get what we all want--happiness, contentment, peace of mind, sense of making a difference, success at becoming whole and making the world better for ourselves and others. (11) The most fundamental secret of success is learning to fit in first and then make what you are fitting into better, from the inside out. This sequence is frequently flip-flopped. (12) Our potential to achieve success and abundance is only limited by the size of our dreams, mental flexibility and the strength of our hope and character in weathering adversity. (13) Love is the gentle touching of two souls without the clamour of their noisy external equipment. (14) My most noble mission in life is to leave every situation I come across in a little better condition in which I found it. I just have to keep remembering and re-practicing this intention. (15) How you define something like success and happiness has a lot to do with how much or how little of these things you have. (16) What you see has a lot to do with where in space and time you are doing the looking from. (17) Much personal and professional development starts when you can slow down long enough to notice what you ahve been failing to notice all along--the connection between what you are thinking and doing and the results and feelings you get from what you are thinking and doing. (18) Positive feelings are a sign we are moving in the right direction; negative feelings are a soft warning that we may need to stop and rethink our approach. (19) Becoming more sensitive to the point of no return in something is a good skill to learn before it comes and goes. (20)Time is nature's way of keeping all the good things from happening all at once.
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