Valerie Varan, MS, LPC, NCC is a nationally-certified and licensed professional counselor in private practice, based out of Denver, Colorado. Trained in both Western and Eastern/energy approaches, Valerie is one of few professionals specializing in integrative psychotherapy.
After completing a master of science in counseling psychology, Valerie continued training in mindfulness meditation, guided imagery, somatic/body-based therapies, bioenergetic approaches, nutrition for mental health, and more. Today, she integrates research with applied psychotherapy, counseling with coaching, as she helps clients restore balance to all areas of their lives.
From helping corporations address environmental health issues in the business world, to helping individuals achieve wellness in mind, body and spirit, Valerie has always considered the systemic effects that we have on the world around us, and the effects that our world has on each of us. To that end, her perspective and style have been fashioned by multidisciplinary research in positive psychology, quantum physics, consciousness studies, the world's wisdom traditions, energy medicine, health and whole body medical systems.
Valerie's book, Living in a Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness , is available as of November 2015. It is a quantum/energy psychology self-help book, for those who have experienced awakening and yet are struggling with the anxiety, depression, confusion and despair of having to live day to day with those who have not.
Here is what some have said about Living in a Quantum Reality :
I was recently working on an article about why Energy Psychology is referred to as such and the integral connection between energy, consciousness, and universal consciousness, when along came Valerie Varan's book Living in a Quantum Reality . Synchronicity? Absolutely! This is a remarkable book that offers an in-depth excursion into Valerie's consulting room, and helps us to get in touch with our energy, consciousness, higher self, and more. The book explores varieties of our energy from slower to higher vibration, a profoundly important understanding of who we really are. Read this, and read it again and again. Absorb the wisdom and the practical exercises and suggestions for reaching higher levesl of vibration and consciousness. This is a book for our time. - Fred Gallo, PhD, DCEP, Author of Energy Psychology, and President of Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
This is a welcome addition to the growing literature of quantum psychlogy. I found it interesting and useful, and you will too. The author has a lively readable style to boot. - Amit Goswami, quantum physicist and author of Quantum Creativity and Quantum Economics
Modern science is beginning to learn that the subtle energy field of the body, also known as the "aura", affects our health and well-being in many ways. It carries the patterns of growth and repair that govern the physical body, and it connects us to the higher spiritual planes involving past lives and the deeper reasons we are here in this lifetime. By working with these deep connections it is possible to achieve healing in ways that are impossible using conventional psychology. Valerie Varan, in her pioneering book Living in a Quantum Reality , has taken the important step of showing how these energies can be used in the therapeutic process, and has made a valuable contribution to energy psychology. - Dr. Claude Swanson, physicist and author of Life Force, The Scientific Basis
Dear Valerie, I stand humbled by what you have achieved. Living in a Quantum Reality brings 21st Century science to the emotional and spiritual challenges of living in the 21st Century. Starting with an ambitious if speculative synthesis of consciousness studies and quantum physics, the book provides wise guidance for all of us grappling with a world that is in terrifying chaos while teeming with unprecedented opportunity. - David Feinstein, PhD, Co-Author, The Energies of Love
Valerie is available to speak to and provide experiential exercises with your group or conference attendees. To contact her, visit her website at or call her at 303.547.8327.
Everything is made of energy.
We can think of consciousness simply as 'energy-carrying-information". Or, we can say that consciousness is holographically patterned spheres of energy; spheres of energy that are simultaneously within time and space as electromagnetism, and beyond time and space as torsion. Everything is made of consciousness is this way. You are consciousness at your core, a self that is quantum in its fundamental nature.
Fear leads to energy constriction and dis-ease, both in body and in relationship. Love expands and unites, bringing with it a sense of flow, connection and wholeness. Bridging the gap from fear to love requires refocusing awareness to the subtle messages of the body, which inspire and empower from within.
Valerie Varan, MS, LPC, NCC
5650 DTC Parkway, Suite 150
Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111