Traci is a celebrity PRO fitness/ model champion.actress, singer, artist, author, producer and activist. She runs a consulting service for alternative medicine and personal growth. She is the founder of Fitness Professional Lifestyle Association taking up and coming professionals to lifestyle by offering continued awareness programs to be certified in Fitness Professional Lifestyle counseling. Alternative methods of advanced networking tools to increase awareness in healthy living. She has titles in over 10 organization and a pro fitness athlete. She has been awarded many achievements in fitness and lifestyle. along with appearing on covers and in many health and lifestyle magazines. She has created a program called Fitstyle which uses energy work techiques for performance and image design.
Powerful techniques of the mind and body to help with health and lifestyle issues. She has coached celebrities, us armed forces, and other pro athletes. She has also been invited to advise high end government officials and bring ideas and opinions to programs to improve and help with creating better chances for alternative health care.
With her own transformations of losing her hearing at age of four, dealing with scare of colon cancer,and lifestyle issues herself. She survived and accomplish many obstacles in her life along with her education found spiritual holistic health provided amazing guidance to help others like herself that understands that in order to heal you must understand the spirit and energetic systems.
Increasing awareness of support where needed. To have people come to her for guidance. When she walks into a room she draws so much attention. Take your time and visit her now to get a free consultation and sign up to register for free audios or check out past projects and shows she hosted. Also get a chance to be featured member in the online magazine.
To Book Her for Appearances, Speaking or Interview
donations and sponsorships or to JOIN visit FPLA Site
Traci is now working on her acting and hosting career with scripts and films. Along with her new series and tour. " Working IT Out Series" this is where you can get a chance to come perform on stage with you as the host. Also get a sneak peak of her books, audios and also new single coming out.
to be a guest on her radio or TV show which in future hopefully broadcasting again soon.
send Traci your questions and get a chance to have it aired on the show.
Check out trailer on Oscar qualified nomination short film: SafeLINK
If you would like to host a film talk premiere or raise funds for awareness this film is available for licensing.
to register for a free profile subscription sponsored by FitStyle Magazine.
in support of athletes of hope and FPLA raising money for chances to get scholarships and money to go to train for nationals.
To become a member of FPLA visit and register at
medical disclaimer: Dr. Traci K is not a state licensed mental health counselor or social worker and does not market or practice as such. She is licensed in ministry of interfaith and spiritual holistic health and divinity. Offering alternative spiritual fitness and life coaching , educational products,tools and resources.
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who would like to hear her more all over the world.
would you like her on TV hosting a show?
Would you like to see her star in a awesome film?
would you like to see her again on radio and here her worldwide
we need you opinions.... these are the choices.
let us know by contacting us ...and what you want to talk about?
"Lead me not into temptation I can find it myself"
Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me....fool me thrice and someone needs to maybe be committed.
" It doesn't get easier, You just get Better!"
"There is more to life than being really really rediculously good looking....well maybe not"
Dominance by God/Goddess is not of a higher power it is within.
State and Federal Law? or UNIVERSAL LAW.
Your smile is of light, your body is of energy, your mind is your creation.
I want to lose weight and tone up Dr Traci K. Well I didn't know a bar of soap could do that but you never know.
Once upon a time not long ago...Oh you are back I see. (Retrieve a lover)
To get started with a free evaluation from Traci or a representative or to book her for our event.
please go contact using tools
home offices NC and OH.