Helping executives and business professionals succeed in marriage and personal relationships!
Have you ever wondered….
• How is it I can be so successful as an executive or leader and feel like a failure in my own home?
• Why do I have the respect of so many in my realm of work but lack the respect of those I love the most?
• Or…. I know I have a good marriage and family life but how do I balance it all with the demands of work?
As a small business owner and leadermyself I understand the pressures to succeed and get ahead. Long hours and the ups and downs of business have added stress to my life and marriage at times. I have been married for over 30 yearsand know the joys and the struggles that are part of marriage. I also have had the privilege of helping many executives and couples transform the relationships they care most about.
Great marriagesdon’t just happen any more than your business can just run itself. You already have the skills as a leader to create strong and healthy relationships at home. The skill sets of today’s successful leadersinclude things like trust, transparency, dialogue, and adaptability. These are also fundamental to healthy marriage and family relationships.
My forward-looking coaching processwill show you how to stop negative cycles and move your marriage and personal relationships to a higher level. As a BONUS,when you learn how to improve relationships at home you will also become an even more effective leader.
Tom King is an executive coach specializing in marriage relationships and leadership development. His background includes many years of experience in psychology, counseling, and business consulting. He is a certified graduate of B-Coach, an internationally recognized business and executive coach training school and part of Leadership University . His passion is healthy relationships and seeking and creating lifelong learning experiences for himself and his clients.
Personal Executive and Business Coaching:
Executives have had coaches for years and they see it as crucial for top performance. Independent studies show that executive coaching raises executive effectiveness by more than 50%, is four times more effective than traditional training and has a return on investment of more than 500%. It is just as crucial for executives and other business professionals to have a personal executive coach to promote healthy marriage and family relationships .
Grow it Forward provides coaching solutions for:
* Strengthening marriage and familyrelationships through either individual, couples, or group coaching.
* Leadership challenges.It can be lonely and stressful being in leadership positions. Sometimes you need a safe place to go for support and advice.
* Crisis or transitions.Whether it is a career or personal crisis or transition, coaching will help you through and guide you to wherever you want to be next.
* Work and life balance.If you are exhausted and out of balance, coaching can help you focus on what’s important and restore your well-being.
* Career advancement.Coaching helps you prepare for growing to your next level.
Group Coaching:
For some clients, group coaching is a wonderful alternative to the individual coaching model. When you join a coaching group you automatically become a part of a community of people who are working on advancing their personal and professional success.This can be a very energizing experience and amazing creativity flows from the collective wisdom of a group that is focused on common goals.
Group coaching is available for:
* Special telephone group programs with participants from around the world. The initiation of these coaching programs will be announced periodically.
* Another coaching niche is high potential emerging leaders from within your organization who want to advance to the next level. Please see
Personal, Executive and Business Coaching is customized to meet your needs. Coaching sessions may be face to face for clients in the Minneapolis and St.Paul area, or may be conducted over the phone. Please contact me for your free consultation session.