I've grown up around food, well food before it arrives at your plate kind of food. Our farm was certified Organic by a third party inspection agency long before Organic was a known commodity (1987). I have seen the misconceptions that marketing labels create, and I have a deep passion for having people understand their food!! There is food and then there is REAL food, what is grown today has significantly less nutrients (micro nutrients) than food did just a short 20 years ago, there is even research to suggest that we were a mal nourished people in 1929!
I can shed some light on what farming practices to watch out for, and translate "farmer speak" into real accessible language for you and your family, so that you can ensure what your getting is REALLY what you want. Instead of listening to marketing messages, or even some widely accepted farmers who have taken to social media, I'll highlight many of the half truths and ruthlessly ensure that the truth, the whole truth is available.
Let me guide you and what is likely an already large bank of food knowledge, and let me add the farmer tough!
Whether you are healthy and happy or sick -It's you that got you there!
Let me help you be excited about food, let me bring you joy and peace around food and allow it to fully grow your relationships and your commnity!