Terry teaches and coaches business owners & workplace leaders how to improve & integrate resilience, communications, intuition & leadership with business systems that contribute to achieving success with calm, ease and flow. The results are increased positivity, improved decision-making, health & wealth affecting family, health & business on all levels!
*Member of:*
•The Evolutionary Business Council
•Speaker Hub
•Professional Speakers Association
•Women Speakers Association
"Courage is the power to let go of the familiar."
- Raymond Lindquis
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a
miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
- Albert Einstein
Are you struggling with the dilemma of attracting ideal clients, leading your team & integrating strategies to create a harmonious business & workplace culture? Imagine co-workers, employees & teams succeeding because they trust, respect & communicate with one another. You influence & lead brilliantly because you cleared the garbage that's in the way!
Are you a tired & unhealthy workaholic disliking your work & life? I was in your shoes. When my doctor said I would not reach 30 with my stress levels, I took action & studied stress & wellness practices to change my behavior & mindset. Blocks to success, wealth & health released changing my business and life forever!
Does this sound familiar?
1. Your team lags behind deadlines & deliverables because of unclear communications
2. You doubt your leadership effectiveness when things get hard
3. You struggle with decision-making thus missing opportunities for yourself & your teams
4. You resist asking for help because it's a sign of weakness
5 You are tired, can't focus, & constantly misunderstood at work & home
6. You avoid listening to your intuition & regret it
You may think the solution is new technology. BUT, I challenge you to visit the source of most leadership challenges: YOU! Great leadership is an inside job. I help business owners & professionals dissolve energy-blocking inner garbage so they evolve & transform themselves & their teams. The result - profit, wealth & health that makes a difference.
My programs focus In 5 areas:
1. LEADERSHIP - Create a thriving & values based positive workplace culture
2. INTUITION - Integrate the practical w/ intuitive guidance to enhance decision-making & leadership w/ calm, ease & flow
3. COMMUNICATIONS - Hear to understand & speak to be understood
4. RESILIENCE - Improve mental, physical & emotional health
5. MONEY - clear $ blocks & understand how $ affects ALL parts of your business
T erry Wildemann
Intuitive Leadership®