McNair is the resident clinician at and is dedicated to improving the communication competency of individuals and groups whose hearts' desire is to be heard privately and publicly. Her poignant testimony of overcoming a lifestyle of hiding out, first inside her head and then behind a wall of addiction, eminently qualifies her to encourage and train others to speak out. McNair is an ordained Christian minister with a unique blend of skills developed over the past 35 years. She graced auditoriums, schools, churches, museums, theater and film sets internationally with her prodigious talent as an actor and workshop facilitator. She spent 9 years as a literacy specialist assigned to a delightful group of 80 plus year old senior citizens as well as to hundreds of adults recovering from drug addiction. Her continuous goal was to empower her students to speak up and speak out. In the interim, she created several one person shows to illuminate the causes of the students she worked with. Audiences will remember her critically acclaimed "Dirty Laundry" as well as "FaithWalker" and "Hiding Out". Both "Hiding Out" and "Dirty Laundry" featured a precocious child in the quirky line up of characters. Somewhere between now and the one person shows, she answered the call to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. The aforementioned line up of characters, especially an outspoken 7 year old named Lucille, have found homes in the pages of McNair's inspirational books for children and adults. Additionally, McNair speaks, counsels and teaches people biblical strategies for successful living especially as these strategies relate to interpersonal and general communication.
This trailer is about a DVD for children that will make a great year round gift. We call them talking storybooks and your little ones will treasure hearing Lucille's voice while reading along on the screen.
View the trailer and order quickly at
" Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get ang ry". James 1:19
This scripture is the foundation of my teaching on interpersonal communications.
" Why settle for the tortilla when you can have the whole enchilada ." Far too many of us settle for so much less than we are destined to achieve.
" Don't deal with a middle man when you can go straight to the top ." My parents taught me this years ago but I didn't get it until I entered into a real relationship with God thru His Son Jesus Christ. Prior to that I was consulting the stars for my daily word. Now I go directly to the star maker.
Contact Teirrah McNair at or by calling the Northern California headquarters for Soul Shaping Publications at 415 908-6711.