Suzanne Kyra is a Registered Clinical Counselor, self-empowerment specialist, workshop leader, international speaker, consultant, and clinical supervisor at the Psychology Clinic with Simon Fraser University, B.C., Canada. She is the author of the award winning book, Welcome Home to Yourself , which is about living authentically in harmony with self and nature. Kyra has over three decades experience in all areas of human development, and is an expert in developmental stages, parenting, intimate relationships, and abundant living.
Favorite quotes from Welcome Home to Yourself:
"Like all of life, we are energized vibrating human beings, never knowing what the next season in the cycle of life will offer us. Our responsibility is to live fully with whatever comes our way."
"Living inclusively, respecting differences, seeing positive similarities, sharing and building responsibility for the younger and older generations is living abundantly."
"Everything has a time and a place. Everyone has a need to be met, a task to be achieved, a laugh to be held, and a tear to be blessed."
"The miracle of existence has always been a mystery to humankind. I can find no logical or rational explanation for the uniqueness of you and me. I am just glad that we do exist."
"What we give our children is as potent as what we do not give them. Our children are those who live and do not live in our community. We have a responsibility to them all. May we always choose wisely."
"Adolescence is the hormonal cracking of childhood, while bounding into adulthood with hopes of immortality and dreams of doing whatever they wish to do. Adolescents need adults to be there for them."
"Maturing is for the courageous and lighthearted. To age with wholesomeness and health, we need to be scrupulous about laughing, loving, exercising, healthy eating, and being mentally stimulated."
"Death, like life, is both quite ordinary and extraordinary. The ordinariness of death reveals the commonality of all. The extraordinariness of death is that the finality is so complete."
"Learning to see a rose with our eyes closed, feel a feather without touch, smell the earth in a paved city, hear a symphony in silence, or taste a possibility, is to understand what is needed when it is not our need--empathy."
My many relationships, both personal and professional, have been a source of great pleasure and satisfaction, always welcoming me back to what really matters. Having practiced clinical counseling over several decades, I have been privy to many shared hurts, pains, losses, angers, fears, and anxieties. I have been present as others travel through loneliness, confusion, and their dying process. As the same time, I have also witnessed bliss, success, visions, dreams, peak experiences, creative actualization, healthy love, devotion, transformational changes, courage, forgiveness, power, and peace. It has been both an honor and a transformational experience to work with those who care to change and grow, seek help and support, explore their inner worlds, and actively venture to make changes in their lives.
The purpose of my writing and speaking is to introduce pathways you can follow to identify and access your needs, along with steps that can lead you to greater well-being in your life. Whether you are famous or ordinary, young or old, healthy or ill--life's path is universal. It is helpful to remember that our self-judgments about being popular or isolated, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, old or young, beautiful or unattractive is based on learned beliefs about who we are. Our acquired defences protect our heart by providing us with a sense of order or control about the meanings of life and death. These defences help remove us from the constant uncertainty and impermanence we live with each moment of our life. This act of self-protection, however, interferes with living life to its full potential. In this state of denial , we lack the understanding that life is so much more than having a spouse, children, house, or retirement savings. It is much, much more than living with fear of scarcity.
Healthy living is about feeling alive and connected with who we truly are in the moment, connecting with what we have been given and what we can give. It is deeply satisfying, whatever our state of well-being, to welcome home all the parts of ourselves, whether large and powerful, small and needy, scared and aggressive, and/or lost and confused. How liberating to find that embracing our wholeness means living with an open heart, relieved of unneeded defenses. Even more so, that choosing to come home to our whole self supports others around us to do the same, each opened heart leading to greater possibilities for healthy intimacy.
Suzanne Kyra M.A.
Kyra Consulting Inc.
201-3041 Anson Ave.
Coquitlam, B.C.
Canada V3B 2H6