As a child I learned that I had been born the same day as
Michelangelo, so I assumed I would one day be an artist as well. But
artistic talent did not come naturally to me, so the dream died until
it was able to come alive once again years later through the wonderful
gift of visions.
It was 1995 and I was a busy mother with four children
just becoming reacquainted with my spirituality. During
this time I was able to take a short spiritual retreat
to a sacred site in Northwest Missouri. While at the
site, I had for lack of a better word a "vision" during
meditation. Before my eyes was a moving geometric forms
in a rainbow of colors, starting with red and gradually
moving through to white. I tried to explain this to
my friends with very little luck.
About ten days later, another geometric form appeared
while I was somewhere between dreaming and awake. Upon
awakening fully, I attempted to sketch this luminous
designs with pencil and white paper, but found that
it just did not convey the wonderfully luminous, moving
shapes that were before my eyes. I stared purchasing
some expensive art supplies to express my vision. I
then started to draw these designs on colored and black
paper. I continued to draw as I saw new images for the
next year and a half. This is the " Sacred
" series.
After spending nearly two years of drawing geometric
shapes and other images on January 28, 1997 I noticed
I was feeling the presence of not only my angels, but
also the angels of family and friends. I was soon able
to associate which angel was with which person. About
three weeks later I heard that the Hale-Bopp comet had
sent a magnetic pulse through the sun directly to earth
on January 28th. I am still unsure how this is related,
but yet another activation had heightened my awareness.
And these are now " Guardian
Angel Portraits
Then again, on April 1st, not knowing why, I ordered
acrylic paints and several other art supplies. On the
2nd, exactly three years to the day after my first "vision",
I was shown that by using mirrors, I could help remind
others of the constant presence of their angels with
mirrors. These are the "Angelic Mirrors", this series
is now discontinued only available in limited quantities,
contact me and I will be glad to email pictures.
continue to look forward to growing as an artist, and following the
Divine guidance that seems to come in unexpected waves. The process of
my life as an artist, mother and spiritual be-ing is naturally
unfolding. I am enjoying the work that I do, and I am open to any of
the Divine ideas that await my further awakening.
Blessings to you all,Susan