Beyond mere intellect with its mundane, problem-solving skills, you possess a deeper, vaster intelligence… an intuitive mind.
Your intuitive mind provides “the icing” on the cake of life.
BEYOND INTELLECTinvites you to deepen your life - defining what you long for, letting go of what holds you back, and taming your inner critic.
Through subtle but powerful exercises, Velasquez’s words help guide you to discover the forgotten…disowned… and disused… aspects of yourself so that you can establish a fuller, richer, more abundant inner core, and step into your best future self .
Visit her websites or and sign up for her free bi-monthly WISDOM WORKOUTS that provide further insights and knowledge about the dynamics of your intuition.
Wisdom grows from life experiences. Own your pain and give up your long suffering. Keep your strengths and grit and court your softness and inner guidance through the grace of intuition. Susan McNeal Velasquez
My website www.susanvelasquez.comis filled with free rescource material. There are Wisdom Workouts that provide visualization exercises and audio recordings to help you practice the art of connecting with your unique storehouse of wisdom.
You can also sign up to receive bi-monthly pre-publication articles before they are published in the LB Independent Newspaper. You will be notified every time a new Wisdom Workout is posted.
My other website: www.beyondintellectis exclusively to learn more about my book BEYOND INTELLECT: Journey Into the Wisdom of Your Intuitive Mind. It is written to introduce you to the use of Bibliomancy - the art of receiving inspiration and specific clarity by simply allowing the book to open to the page and the message that is best for you. I have many readers who keep it beside their bed to provide pertinent inspiration before they go to sleep.
I can be contacted through my website:
or through the Laguna Beach Independent News - columnist - Susan McNeal Velasquez