In 1982, Steve graduated valedictorian from New York Chiropractic Collegeand began his professional career as a chiropractic physician. For fourteen years, he ran a successful sports medicine practice in Burlington, Vermont and served for part of that period as president of the Vermont Chiropractic Association.
In 1990, Steve taught himself magicand began performing at corporate events and resorts throughout the United States while simultaneously running his practice. Between 1990 and 1996, Steve earned acclaim for his corporate presentations, performing for companies like IBM, GE, Saturn Corporation, Inc. Magazine, and many others.
In 1996, Steve sold his practice and traveled to Central Americafor an extended visit, where he began a spiritual journey which led to a devoted meditation practice and a better understanding of his role in the world.
Upon return from Central America, Steve studied hypnosis with Dr. Scott Mcfall and began performing his Hypnosis Extravaganza at colleges and resorts throughout the United States and the Caribbean, with regular performances at Beaches and Sandals, the number one family and couples resorts in the world. He was also featured on MSNBC for his performance at Spring Break in Negril, Jamaica.
While gaining popularity for his high energy performances, Steve has continued to develop his meditative practice. He's taught many others to meditate and to bring spiritual principles into their day to day lives; he's also created several innovative workshops designed to help people tap into their greatest potential.
Steve continues to seek ways of blending his passion for inspiring, educating, and entertaining people with his eclectic background as a healer, magician, hypnotist, and author. In his spare time, Steve loves to ski, hike, and fly his private plane over his beautiful home state of Vermont.
I offer a few programs that can be custom tailored to the needs of specific groups and audiences. They include my entertainment programs, such as my comedy hypnosis shows, magic shows, and mentalism shows, and empowerment programs, such as How to Wake Up, Start Over, and Create the Life You're Meant to Live, and How to be Honest Without Alienating Everyone You Know. I also teach self hypnosis techniques for improving performance, memory, and motivation.
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
What you resist, persists.
Get out of your head and into your body.
The trick is just never taking your eyes off the truth.
Most people long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy afternoon.
The only way out is through.
For those who'd like to know more about me, my teachings, and my entertainment, a visit to my websites will help; and . My writings are widely available on the web in the form of articles and blogs, and I'm available to respond to questions through my email address, .