Stephanie Chandler is an author of several business and marketing books including: - From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur (John Wiley & Sons)- The Author’s Guide to Building an Online Platform (Quill Driver)- The Business Startup Checklist and Planning Guide (Aventine)- LEAP! 101 Ways to Grow Your Business (Career Press, coming fall 2009) As a small business marketing expert, Stephanie has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Business Week,, MORE Magazine and many other media outlets. She is also the founder and CEO of , a custom book publishing service specializing in business, self-help and non-fiction books. Visit her sites:- Custom Book Publishing & Author Marketing: - Author & Speaker Information: - Resources for Entrepreneurs: - Blog:
Life is so much more rewarding when you love what you do. I encourage you to figure out a way to make a living doing something you love. It's possible - I am living proof of that!
If you're a current business owner, my advice is to seek new ways to grow your business. The fact is that you must invest in growing your business. Whether you invest in marketing, hiring help, education or you invest your time, these are the things that help a business reach the next level.
Stephanie Chandler Enterprises, LLC
11230 Gold Express Drive, #310-413
Gold River, CA 95670
(Located near Sacramento, California)