The idea that excellence at performing a complex task requires a critical minimum level of practice surfaces again and again in studies on expertise. Researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise – 10,000 hours.
The Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
The first time I read about the 10,000 hour rule, I thought – Wow! What have I been that devoted to? I silently ran through the various interests, professions, and hobbies I’ve had over the years and realized my desire to learn inspired me to be involved in so many things that I probably wouldn’t ever qualify as an expert in anything.
Then it hit me. I quickly ran some numbers in my head. It had taken longer than the standard ten years Gladwell talks about in his book, but the hours were definitely there. In a little less than twenty years, I had devoted over 10,000 hours to the exploration of my Self. In fact, it was the only consistent endeavor in my adult life.
I never could stay focused on one career – sales person, writer, outplacement counselor, marketing professional, teacher, media buyer, life coach. What Malcolm Gladwell helped me to realize is that although my career choices may be diverse, I’ve stayed focused and not ever tired of studying and searching for the truth about who I really am – not as a human being, but rather as a physical manifestation of spirit.
The journey has taken me down many different roads, but all with the same goal. Everything I’ve done, from authoring eight books and becoming a minister to supporting others as a Life Coach and teaching creative writing, has helped me to better know Source, because that’s the only way I can really know me. This has required an unraveling of the beliefs, perceptions, and thoughts I’ve held about who I believed I was, and a willingness to release them all.
Each journey looks different, yet is similar in so many ways. Supporting others on the path to “knowing who they are by learning who they’re not” is my greatest gift, and my most profound joy. I find that by writing and speaking about my experiences, others find themselves renewed in their own search and inspired to know the essence contained within.
Healing thru Haiku Workshop for Retreats and Gatherings
In Healing thru Haiku , participants use the ancient form of Japanese poetry to transform doubt, confusion and insecurity into powerful feelings of acceptance and hope. This interactive workshop empowers those present to use their creativity and intellect to redirect thoughts and emotions that impede an awareness of wholeness toward those that support and nurture it. Every participant leaves with a piece of their truth, written by their own hand, as a potent reminder of where they are headed.
The 17 syllables in each poem created anchors the strength and vision each carries within, allowing participants to more effectively work with their medical team to facilitate healing on all levels. A courageous step on their journey to wholeness, this process equips everyone with a renewed sense of their own power to help themselves heal. Because the healing energy is multiplied in a group where everyone has the same goal, the effect is vibrant and long lasting. No previous writing experience is necessary.
With over 10,000 hours dedicated to her own healing journey, author and Life Coach Staci Backauskas blends her writing, coaching and facilitating skills to create a valuable experience for all who have a desire to help themselves heal. She has facilitated workshops for organizations like Metropolitan Ministries, The Learning Annex in New York City, and the Task Force on Sexual Violence in Tampa, FL.
Exhale the remnants
Of wounds that steal your freedom.
No more prisons. Breathe.
If you could see what
What I see when I look at you,
The light would blind you.
There is no there there.
Stop looking for the answer and just ask what the next step is.
I invite you to become a member of my tribe by connecting personally. Please call into my radio show "Out Your ego" on with questions about how to identify and manage ego - http://www.blogtalkradio/outyourego . Or visit my blog at . Send me an e-mail or friend me on Facebook - . For ego tips and reminders, follow me at Twitter- You can find my books at Amazon or order them from your local bookstore. And for Haiku that supports your journey, check out the store at
Please e-mail me at
Snail mail is:
Staci Backauskas
301 Platt Street - #150
Tampa, FL 33603