Shifu Raymond Ahles has dedicated his life to the practice of Martial Arts. He sees it as a path to a spiritual awakening of the mind with meditation as the foundation of the practice.
Shifu Ahles is committed to the authentic teaching of the martial arts so his students get far more from the experience than just exercise and self defense lessons.
He refers to the benefits from his martial arts training as "priceless."
When asked what gives him the most satisfaction as a teacher of the martial arts, Shifu Ahles responds that it is "observing real change in the attitudes and lives of others."
It was in his desire to help people realize their true potential by raising their level of self awareness, that first induced him to offer weekly talks that cover a wide variety of topics that are truly relevant to the challenges people face in today's world followed by a group meditation.
So positive was the response that he received from those who attended these weekly classes that he realized he had touched upon something that greatly accelerated the personal growth and development of his students.
Shifu Ahles conducts classes in qigong (aka chi kung) and kung fu classes in the rare and sophisticated style of Ba Gua Zhang.
Professional Training & Background:
Shifu Ahles has been training in the Chinese martial arts since 1984 and teaching since 1986.
He has studied privately with well-known martial arts author and master, Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming of Boston, MA. He has trained in the study of the Jian (Straight Double-Edge Sword), Shaolin Long Fist, Shaolin White Crane, White Crane Staff, Chin Na, Tai Chi including Push Hands and Ba Gua Zhang.
Since 1991, Shifu Ray Ahles has had the great fortune to be studying under the personal instruction of acclaimed Ba Gua Zhang (Pa Kua Chang) Master, Bok-Nam Park,of VA.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi
"All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone."Blaise Pascal
The Jesuit priest, paleontologist and philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin:
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience… we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, said this of his teacher, "He said the final goal of learning is to discover the meaning of life. Therefore, what I was learning from him was not a martial art, but a way of life."
"Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound." James Allen
Martial Arts Philosophy :
We believe that real martial arts
were designed to stop the fighting,
both within and without.
Not for violence,
but for peace.
Not to beat down,
but to build up.
Not to compete, but
to work together
for understanding.
Not for tournaments
and trophies, but for
discipline and respect.
To master the mind,by training the body.