Who Do You Think Can Truly Help You Find & Bring Out That Uniquely Powerful, Insightful, Assertive, Confident, Decisive & Effortlessly Successful Woman Who Is Hidden Deep Within You & Desperately Desiring To Come out & Live The Life You Were Meant to Live?
(A) Someone Who Has Always Been A Dynamic, Self Expressive Powerhouse Leader, Who Grew Up Surrounded By Achievement & Hailed “Most Likely To Succeed?
(B) A Woman Who Started Out As An Agonizingly Shy Underachiever Who Struggled For Years With Debilitating Depression, Yet NOW Is A Sought After Mentor Who Joyfully And Effectively Coaches Powerful & Successful Women Entrepreneurs in All Fields As Well As Leaders In The Coaching Industry?
If you chose (B)then you are in for a very satisfying experience that, over a period of time, will lead to a very “Happy Reunion” between the woman who you currently are and the woman who you long and know in your heart you CAN BE!
The Effortless Success for Women Entrepreneurs Programs are the “brain-child” of popular, well-renowned and respected Life-style / Business Coach Ruth Hegarty. Ruth is a Certified Law of Attraction Coach and Certified Award Winning Educator. She co-host the popular entertaining and life-changing radio show, The Art of Joyful Living which helps people from all walks of life live more intentionally and joyfully.Ruth’s is a respected expert in the area of confidence/self-esteem building and lifestyle design whose passion is helping women entrepreneurs who want to have it all – a successful business, time with husband and kids, time for self and time to be of service to the global community – without sacrificing anything to get there. Ruth believes that enjoying the journey to any destination is equally as important as arriving.
As a child, Ruth grew up being extremely introverted, personally shy and publicly insecure about speaking up and asserting herself. She was perceived as being what one might refer to as somewhat “motivationally challenged,” so she wasn’t always on the “fast track to success and achievement. Ruth was so shy and unsure of herself that her parents encouraged her to speak up at home by giving her a nickel every time she could say something at one end of the apartment that they could hear at the other. She would sit at one end of the long hallway with her father and repeat "Hi, Mom" many times until her mother could hear her at the other end of the hallway. As you can imagine, this level of shyness made it next to impossible for Ruth to socialize at school or prepare for a career. Ruth struggled for many years with debilitating shyness and depression, self-injury and agoraphobia.
Luckily, as Ruth grew up and recognized just how much her fear and lack of "voice" held her back she determined to change her situation. Over many years of trial and error Ruth was able to discover the secrets to becoming confident, finding her voice and living the joyful life she always knew was out there for her. That is why today Ruth is such an inspirational speaker/coach/educator with a deep passion for empowering others to experience the transformational power of accessing their own inner wisdom and creating effortless and joyful lives. Ruth uses her personal experiences and insights, her training and experience as a transformational educator and Law of Attraction coach and the inspiration she gets from seeing amazing client results to help women entrepreneurs create effortless success on their own terms.
Ruth’s journey of discovery on how to be happy within herself and, hence, how to live joyfully in this world, is the foundation upon which all of her work is based. That authentic experience coupled with her years of extensive training and research in practical and powerful business strategies is the foundation of her uniquely eclectic and highly effective methodology that has helped hundreds of women entrepreneurs create effortless success.
Ruth loves coaching and teaching and comes from a family of teachers. She is most often described as an entertaining (just ask her; she’ll tell you she’s funny!), empowering and fearless presence with unbounded enthusiasm and insightful practical advice. Clients and Program Participants often marvel that there is no question Ruth can’t answer. Ruth is a master at creating learning environments that establish trust, safety, respect and well-being and accelerate transformational learning experiences for participants (because, or course, the best learning comes from feeling and experiencing something for yourself). Her message inspires all who hear it to reevaluate their thought, word and action habits as well as how they approach change and how they define who has the power in their lives so that they can more easily discover and embrace their own unique power and ability to create amazing and positive outcomes.
Ruth is founder of Leap of Confidence, a leader in personal empowerment and an avid promoter of self-determination, teaching women entrepreneurs to unleash the powerful joyful creator within themselves.
Here’s what just a few of her Clients have to say about what Ruth Hegarty has done for them:
" Ruth has poise and presence. She is able to interact with people from all walks of life with ease. She is focused and well disciplined. Another of Ruth’s greatest professional strengths is her attention to detail. She delivers ‘the best.’ Ruth’s abilities are evident in her academic background and in the quality of her work. Ruth is kind, considerate and thoughtful. She is a GREAT listener." Linda Champion: Attorney
"THANK YOU RUTH HEGARTY!!!…You have really been a motivating factor in my life and have made me realize that I CAN make my life better, if I just take charge of it." Julie Minton, Career Coach/Counselor
Ruth, what a great, wonderful, valuable, substantive program! Wow! Talk about the Confidence Coach, you are that and more! I just loved how you were so natural and so very tuned in to everyone. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I learned a lot and I know everyone in the group did as well." Linda Cassel: http://www.QuantumLeapCoachingandTraining.com
“What Ruth has helped me accomplish is amazing! I am feeling the most confident, by far; I have ever felt in my life. Everyday I feel more and more confident because of the advice and techniques I have practiced with her. I cannot thank her enough." Ted Kackley: Personal Trainer
"Ruth Hegarty's ability to view a situation with unusual perspective helps her create innovative and effective plans for attaining goals. This, combined with excellent listening skills and enthusiastic encouragement, makes her a valuable coach." Agnes G: Teacher/Counselor, Next Wave School