Ziegler, is a Certified Tachyon Practitioner, and Member in good
standing with the Tachyon Institute for Spirituality and Science,
(Santa Rosa, CA) He is located in Central Florida. His practice is
devoted to bringing balance to the mind, body and spirit complex
through the utilization of Tachyon Energy.
Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Science and Health...First, the science. All matter, from this page, to the human heart, to the cosmos and beyond, is made of energy and is part of an "Energetic Continuum", a term used to describe the flow of energies as they move down from 'THE SOURCE'. This 'stepping down' process creates the third dimensional world in which we live.
Formless Zero-Point Energy, (in Quantum Physics), is considered to be the starting point of the energetic continuum, and the first formed energy to emerge from it is called 'Tachyon'. Named after the Greek word meaning swift, the word Tachyon, like the word electricity, merely describes a type of energy. But it is to Tachyon Energy, and its qualities and uses as a balancing tool for the human form, that I now direct your attention.
What makes these Tachyon particles so special?
Well, just like Zero-Point Energy, they move faster than the speed of light, are everywhere at the same time, have no frequency, spin, or gravitation, are the source of all energies, and contain the perfect potential of the entire universe within themselves, but remember, now they have form.
Tachyon Energy works with the body....How? By interacting with what is called a 'Subtle Organizing Energy Field' (SOEF). This term, coined by Dr. Gabriel Cousens MD, in his book 'Spiritual Nutrition and The Rainbow Diet', describes an energetic theory of nutrition which states that our physical bodies are templated on SOEF's (subtle organizing energy fields). When balanced, organized and functioning at its peak, the body is in a state known as negative entropy, or 'youthing;
disorganized, it slips into a state of chaos known as positive entropy;
the most radical example being the production of cancer cells.
If a SOEF is blocked or depleted, the flow of life force energy through the Energetic Continuum becomes deficient. But SOEF's can be energized. Our body naturally does this through the chakra system, oxygen, sunlight, water and food. However, when those sources are themselves deplete of Tachyon Energy, this can negatively impact our lives and may show up as symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and dis-ease.
So how can we get more of this Tachyon Energy if we want to function at optimal levels?
The answer may be found in new advancements in technology that have allowed for the creation of "antennae' that attract and focus Tachyon Energy. These 'antennae', when applied directly to the body, 'feed' the SOEF's, giving the body the tools and energy necessary to heal itself, and do it in a self regulating fashion.
That's right, you see the SOEF's use only that amount of Tachyon Energy necessary to rebalance unorganized areas of the body eliminating the need to monitor dosage requirements.
What are some of the things you might experience?
Physically, you may experience an increase in stamina and energy;
Emotionally, a return to that feeling of unconditional love;
Mentally, you could experience increased wisdom or clarity of thought; and
Spiritually, feel more in tune with 'THE SOURCE'.
To that list add, natural detoxification, increased vitamin & mineralabsorption, enhanced meditation, increased brain function, a decrease in general pain symptoms and an increased sense of well being.
In a recent independent research study by Norman McVea, Ph.D., Dir. Oxygen Research Institute, Mill Valley CA , "Tachyon antennae were found to be of tremendous value as tools for stress reduction, meditation, creative visualization, consciousness expansion, rejuvenation, and psychicexploration".
Now you can see why countless lay people and health care professionals in over ninety-three
countries choose to use Tachyon Energy for the betterment of themselves, their families, friends, clients and pets.
Tachyon Energy stands on its own as an exceptional balancing and energizing tool, or it can be used in conjunction with nearly all other healing modalities for its enhancing ability.
Evolutionary Patterns of Living Systems
"The main character of any living system is openness." This is the core statement of the Russian scientist Ilija Prigogine, who connected biological knowledge with chaos research and brought up deep insights into the mysteries of life. Openness means a continuous balanced flow of absorbing energy, processing inside the system and discharging. That is the main pattern of every life structure and precondition to be able to evolve.
Whether concerning a person or a termite state, bacteria cultures, a company, the structure of a state, the biosphere of our planet or a galaxy: all evolving systems are open and continuously balancing the absorption, processing and the discharge of energy. To stop this dynamic at any point creates disorder and destruction, e.g. death of the affected system. Prigogine brought light into the dynamic of this balanced flow. To realize his discovery may completely revolutionize your concepts of how life functions.
The questions are:
What exactly happens with a system that falls out of balance?
What happens with a system that is exposed to more stimulants than it can process or eliminate? What happens to a system that eliminates more than can be supplied?
What has life invented to manage these critical situations?
Here are some answers: Every living system that can no longer balance reacts with the temporary disintegration from order into chaos. Prigogine called this point of no return (into the former order) the bifurcation point. He discovered as the next step of the dynamic, that disintegrated systems organize themselves again either into a higher level of order or into a lower one. Only these two ways exist. According to his background as a chaos researcher, he could not recognize any law indicating in which direction a system may move. He thought of coincidence being the factor behind this evolutionary pattern.
Today we know more:
The Attunement of a system into higher levels of order decides the fate after a bifurcation. Applying this to our model of the SOEFs (subtle organizing energy fields) shows us that if the superior SOEF is strong and working in perfect balance it pulls the disintegrated system into a higher level of order. If it is blocked or depleted the system has to run into further disintegration or destruction.
In everyday life this principle means that if life presents you with more stuff than you can bear in the moment, you will experience a bifurcation point or in other words CHAOS. If you are strong, connected, healthy and balanced you will be able to create a learning process - a stepping stone out of this chaos, you will evolve into a higher level of experience, strength, skills and wisdorn. On the other hand if you are weak, exhausted, depressed and out of balance, the same stuff can move you into even worse patterns than before.
In our next example a human liver shows the same dynamic. But please consider that a family, a company, a human body, an ecosystem, a beehive, a nation or all of mankind could serve just as well to find this principle of bifurcation and attunement.
Being a living system, our liver is working openly, which means that it absorbs substances, and processes them according to purpose and then passes on the results of its work. The input of toxins through food, alcohol, herbicides and pesticides forces the liver to work much harder to function properly. The liver can process a certain amount of these toxins without causing obstructions in the other parts of the organism, yet it strains the liver's overall functioning capability. When the bearable limit of toxins is reached, it takes just a little more to cause the liver to actually begin disintegrating, and in that moment, it reaches what we call the bifurcation point.
The Subtle Organizing Energy Field, which has been exhausted by the frequencies of the above mentioned inputs, can no longer fulfill its coordinating tasks and is unable to keep up a smooth running metabolism and is finally unable to hold the liver cells together on a level of natural functioning. When the overall body's SOEF is weak and run down, the liver SOEF has to organize a lower level of order than before the bifurcation. This creates a fat liver or even more chaotic: a liver cirrhosis or liver cancer. On the other hand, applying organizing tachyon energy to a sick liver will energize the liver SOEF and increase the attunement to it highest possible level. Immediately the liver starts to restructure and to cleanse which then causes another bifurcation and a leap to a higher level of order. This process continues until perfect balance of the liver is achieved.
The process of healing and evolution always leads through bifurcation points. Because of this scientific model we now realize the role of chaos and crisis more clearly than ever - the disintegration of an old system of lower order leads to the system for leaping into a higher order of health. This can be likened to the way you have to take off old clothes before you can put on new ones. You have to let go of the old order before entering into a new one. In our entire known universe of form and frequencies there is no way to bypass chaos for it is our greatest teacher on the ladder of evolution.
Extremely strong antennae (TLC Bars) are available for use by Certified Tachyon Practitioners. In order to make sure that Tachyonized TLC bars are used in the most serving way, they are only available to graduates of The Tachyon Institute for Spirituality and Science Practitioner Training courses. Effects of the Tachyonized working crystals (TLC bars) makes it possible for the first time in the history of healing to purposely create and direct bifurcations. Tachyon Practitioners are trained to induce the bifurcation necessary for the leap into a higher form of order during a TLC treatment.Please remember that it is not the tachyon energy that causes the bifurcation but the SOEFs, energized through the intense tachyon field that allows the attunement into the highest of all possible orders.
Attunement With Cosmic Energy
Tachyon energy is a way of complete attunement with All That Is. By taking into account the fact that everything that exists is in an Energetic Continuum, health simply means to be a superconductor---a free flowing wire of life intelligence emerging out of tachyon energy. Complete and total attunement means achieving perfect, radiant health and "Oneness" with All That Is.
Attunement is a concept well known in Yoga philosophy. It was first introduced to the Western world by Parmahansa Yogananda in the 1920s. Attunement simply means the ability of an organized system to attune itself with, and have access to, a particular form of energy. The better our attunement with tachyon energy, and its inherent perfect life potential, the more likely we are to evolve ourselves into higher levels of physical, mental, and emotional order and balance. Spiritual growth and radiant health becomes the result.
Tachyon energy actually enables us to constantly attune ourselves with the universal life force---zero-point energy. This applies to the reorganization of just a cell, to DNA, to one particular molecule, hormone, gland, or organ in our body, and to our entire body-mind-spirit complex. Tachyon energy is the key element that enables everyone, regardless of his or her level of spiritual awareness or background, to be attuned to the universal life force and inherently perfect intelligence of the zero-point energy. Thus, tachyon energy makes it easier to grow and evolve.
The biggest difference between tachyon energy and other forms of subtle energy is that the effects of tachyon energy are unlimited. Of course, the results produced by tachyon energy are directly influenced by our own body-mind-spirit complex. How dramatic, transformative, and deep the effects go depends on both our willingness to change and our readiness to reach a higher level of order. We do not forcefully accomplish anything through tachyon energy. This is a big advantage because it reduces the possibility of unwanted side effects. Therefore, we can honestly say that tachyon energy is something totally different and cannot be compared to any other form of energetic medicine or subtle energy amplifiers. Tachyon reorganizes the entire body-mind-spirit complex on higher levels of order and balance.
Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinking,
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us: it is in everyone.
As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
Nelson Mandela
additional information about the life enhancing benefits of
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This Page is
Created By
Mr. Robert Ziegler
Tachyon Practitioner /
Energy Body Therapist / Distributor
Casselberry, Florida 407.695.5098