HGH , Human Growth Hormone and Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement
When I founded the oral growth hormone industry in the nineties along with Dr. Robert Lawrence and Dr. Roy Dittman, we had pioneered a way to get this large and unique life sustaining human growth hormone molecule to work without injecting it. We weren't sure it could be done at first, but because of the large and unique cross-linking of the HGH molecule. However, we pulled it off and the rest is truly history.
Back then, there was no one selling any pills, capsules, fizzies, homeopathics or other potions that do not work. In fact for quite a while, we offered ten thousand dollars cash for any company that could prove that their product actually increased HGH, not IGF-1. Guess what...we never had one offer.
Meanwhile, we had this profound discovery that permitted bio-identical, recombinant HGH , the same molecularly identical HGH that is declining in your body right now to
bind and rejuvenate your cells, tissue and organs.
This is the bottom line. We have if you use our clinically proven AEON , along with our clinically proven Somastatin and our Life Extension Series systems, you may increase your Quality if Life Span up to 20% .
Many of us have been doing this for over a decade now and it shows. I often say that we spend our health making money and then our money making health and the sooner we invest the less we spend later. I also have some unconditionally guaranteed special offers for you here .
As always, I promise you total satisfaction or a refund. Period; no stings attached.
I Live in Southern California along with my beautiful wife Lori and our amazing sons. Christopher, Nicholas and Jason. You can learn more about me here .
Visit our HGH products now. We engineered them specifically to regenerate the youth within you.
Or if you really want to get in the detail of how it all works go here. Science & Clinical information on HGH
If I can ever answer any questions you may have, I make it my personal goal to be available to talk with you and assist you in your learning process. My extension is 221.
All of our products are engineered around inhibiting the aging process and targeting the cells of the body with the precise nutriceutical formulations that increased protein synthesis requires, as a result of experiencing more youthful serum levels of growth hormone as a result of AEON and SOMASTATIN.
Please browse our information and then visit our full line of HGH products .
We stand behind our products and offer a 100 day unconditional guarantee.
AntiAging Research Laboratories
30021 Tomas Suite 300Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688
info@AntiAgingResearch.com Toll Free 888-AntiAging (268-4244)
949-589-3515 Intl 949-589-1392 Fax
Robert Bohen at 949-589-3515 ext 221