Hello, I am Dr. Rita Esterly. I help YOU get from Hesitation to Action in many areas of your life. If you are having difficulty with being Optimistic about your life, I can help you become more positive. If you have had difficulty being Resilient when life throws you a curve ball, I can help you develop more effective coping skills. Are you having problems with creating an amazing romantic relationship with your spouse? I can help you learn more effective ways to communicate and relate. What about Parenting those Millennial teens? I can help you decrease the conflict.
Let me tell you a little about myself and my credentials. I earned my doctorate degree in Educational and Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri-Columbia. My career has included being a teacher, counselor, parenting educator, outpatient therapist for a hospital, university adjunct professor, psychological consultant for a state department of education, psychologist in private practice, and life coach. My most successful accomplishment is raising my two children. My son is a pharmacist and my daughter is a graduate student in advertising and teaches fitness classes. I have been married to the same person for 33 years. In 2006 I won the Zonta Woman of Achievement Award. I volunteer to do leadership training for my Rotary District. I spend hours taking photographs and have a love of the theatre.
Here are some services I have to offer you to make your life more effective and get YOU from Hesitation to Action. In the area of Re-romancing and Marriage, you will find twelve downloadable classes on my website at www.yesyoucanchoose.com to help you if you are struggling in these areas. I also do coaching in these areas by phone. Just contact me at coachrita@yesyoucanchoose.com .
If you need to upgrade your skills in being Optimistic or Resilient in life, I have ten downloadable classes in these two areas on my website at www.yesyoucanchoose.com . I also do coaching in these two areas by phone. Just contact my at coachrita@yesyoucanchoose.com .
Because I am the mother of two successful teens, I put my philosophy of raising teens into an e-book called: Ride a Rocket: Blast Off Don't Blow Up, Believe in Your Teen. When parents desire to stop the constant conflict, I help them develop more effective techniques for interacting with their Millennial teens. I help parents learn to teach their teens social skills, managing anger, decision making, problem solving, negotiating, responsibility, and resilience. The e-book and eight downloadable classes on parenting are available on my website at www.yesyoucanchoose.com .
I also wrote an e-book for teens called: Teenagers: Don't Read This Book! I help teens deal effectively with their parents, teachers, coaches, and peers as they cope with the stresses of teen life. The e-book is available to download from my website at www.yesyoucanchoose.com .
Aren't you worth spending a few minutes to check out a website that can be helpful to you in your life? Of course YOU are! So to get started being more effective in many areas of your life such as Re-romancing, Optimism, Resilience, Marriage, and Parenting, just e-mail me at coachrita@yesyoucanchoose.com .
Mentoring Your Teen (how to parent Millennial teens) available for download at www.yesyoucanchoose.com