Remez Sasson teaches and writes on self-improvement, positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, spiritual growth, meditation and inner peace. He is the creator and owner of the website , where he shares many of his articles.
Remez Sasson is the author of several books, among which are "Peace of mind in Daily Life", "Strengthen Your Will Power and Self Discipline", "Visualize and Achieve" and "Affirmations - Words with Power", "Emotional Detachment for a Bettr Life" and "How to Focus Your Mind".
Remez Sasson has created a website that provides practical and useful information, advice and instructions on various aspects of inner development. Theoretical information does not transform a person's life, but practical and working instructions and advice do make a difference in a person's life, and this is what his articles and books offer.
Remez Sasson started reading, studying and practicing various methods and techniques of self improvement and spiritual growth from an early age. His first encounter with these subjects was through the books he found in his father's library, when he was fifteen years old. As time passed, Remez Sasson developed an earnest interest and enthusiasm for inner development and spiritual growth, and did his best to utilize and devote every available moment to studying and practicing what he had learned, while at the same time working at a steady job.
Many of the books he read were inspiring, helpful and full of practical information, especially the books about the life and teachings of the great Indian sages, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and Papaji. Mouni Sadhu's books should be mentioned too, with their excellent, clear and practical advice. William Walker Atkinson's books about the powers of the mind were also among his favorites. There were many other books with useful and practical advice and guidance about self-improvement, creative visualization, mind power, psychic powers, yoga, concentration, meditation and spirituality, all read and practiced.
After many years of studying, practicing and gaining practical experience, Remez Sasson decided to quit his steady job, and to share and impart the knowledge and experience he has gained.
Remez Sasson is also the founder of the website
Vist Remez Sasson blog at
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Affirm the positive, visualize the positive and expect the positive, and your life will change accordingly.
The difference between can and cannot are only three letters. Three letters that determine your life's direction.
The mind is like a TV screen. There is always movement and action there. As you can switch off your TV, so you can switch off the TV screen of your mind.
Through concentration and meditation you become the boss of your mind, and gain the ability to tell it when to be active and when to stay silent.
Visualizing your desire as already accomplished and enjoying the feelings of accomplishment, awaken in you energies that drive you to do whatever it takes to make your desire come true.
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