I was raised in South Norfolk, Virgina, born on Feb. 14th 1951 the youngest of 4 siblings. I graduated from Oscar Frommel Smith High in June 1969. I joined the Naval Reserve in my senior year and in August I flew to the Phillipines to report aboard the USS America. Since I had taken typing in high school I was assigned to the 3M office and my job was to review all the work orders placed aboard the ship to make sure they were filled out properly. I saw places on that cruise I could never afford to see...Tokyo, Manila,Subic Bay,Sydney and Rio De Janeiro. We were on station off Vietnam sending bombing missions into Nam, I received the Vietnam accomadation medal for the time I was there. Upon leaving the Naval Reserve in 1972 I went to work for a local Customs House Brokerage firm and worked up to Import Manager, I left and went to another brokerage accepting the same position. In 1978 I went to work as a route salesman for Pepsi Cola and worked their for a year. Following Pepsi I worked for 21 years as a route salesman for 2 different bakeries. I worked for 5 years driving for a local newspaper. In my last work regiment, I worked 9 years for Target in their logistics department. God has Blessed me with a wonderful wife, Linda, whom I've been married to for 43 years, we currently live in Virginia Beach for the last 32 years. I've been Blessed to write two Christian books, Splinters On The Carpenter's Floor and now available on Kindle, A Carpenter Named Savior. God delivered me through the darkest time of my life and in the midst of this time, he put on my heart to write these two books that I believe would be a Blessing to whomever is suffering with the horrible experience of being depressed.
The greatest of all commandments is Thou Shalt Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
To love, love is not selfish, love is kind and considerate. Love is pure in heart, love is giving without the requirement of something in return. Love is unconditional, without limitations. Love is forgiveness and renewal.
Jesus manifested these qualities to the extreme. He ALWAYS put the Father first! His welfare from the beginning was for his sheep and not his self preservation. His kindness towards his apostles and sinners alike was constant and without merit of someone's social status. Jesus exemplified pureness of heart, his miracles and acts of mercy and kindness mirrored that of the Father. He gave of himself daily and never asked anything in return except for your repentance. His love knew no boundaries as he exhibited on the Cross by asking the Father 'Forgive them Father, they no not what they do.' Beaten, spit upon, nailed to the Cross, but I forgive you and love you this much. Yes, I forgive and will renew your place before God.
The Lord thy God. Jesus is saying he is to be your Lord and he is your God. There is NO OTHER! I am a jealous God and I created you with a void in your heart for me and only me, to fill.
With all thy heart. Not a heart full of the lust of the flesh, money, drugs or alcohol. A heart that has reached the state of repentance, washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. A heart with righeous and pure emotions. God sees only a heart like this through the blood of his Son
With all thy soul. A soul redeemed from the sins of the world. A soul that searches through prayer daily to seek the will of God for their lives. A soul that acknowledges that we have been bought by a great price and we have been given the keys to the kingdom, if we will trust in Jesus.
With thy mind. A mind not clutttered with the filth of this world. A mind renewed daily through reading God's Word and praying for guidance in your life. A mind that knows who God is and how much he loves each one of us and wants the best for our lives.
GREATEST COMMANDMENT! From the GREATEST man to ever walk this earth. A tough set of assignments. Believe in your heart if you make the effort, God will equip you for the battles. His love is established and it does indeed have no boundaries. However ugly, however hopeless, however endless in your long enduring trials, his Love for you is far greater than you can imagine.