It is my subjective appreciation that the purpose of life, is growth,. And if you were to look at the tiniest cell of every organism, across the expanse of our small planet and turn that same lens toward our outer universe, you will find from the smallest microbial life forms to the planets, stars and even the Cosmos itself is the non-subjective, encoded growth imperative.
We humans tell stories and affix meaning to things. Thereby this genetic coding for growth is extended in our species, by us... from natural design, to need, want and desire, we call this extension, Personal Transformation.
I have lived my life full throttle without brakes, I have enjoyed phenomenal success and generated mind numbing, abysmal failures. I have worked on chicken farms in Tanzania and tended the injured, sick and dying in central Africa. I have lived in opulence and squalor. I have had amazing loving sensual sexual relationships and I have been responsible for disasters. I am a former nationally syndicated Talk Show Host, with the Pacifica Broadcasting and Infinity Broadcasting Networks, Keynote speaker and seminar leader. I am a Taoist, Iron shirt Chi Kung, practitioner and trainer.
I have been immersed in Ontological query for twenty years plus with inspiring mentors such as the late Juda Krishnamurti, explored and reveled in Neurolinguistics, Personal Power, productivity wealth generation training with Anthony Robbins, Jay Abraham, Jack Canfield and Zig Zigler to name but a few. I also have designed seminars for The Summit Organization, A. B. Cernale (Sweden) and spent several years as a participant and facilitator with Landmark Education.
As I know, understand and appreciate the nuts and bolts of success creation, I know, understand and appreciate equally the minutia with which we generate failure. I draw from this vast wealth of experience deconstructed to guarantee my client, "Life as You have Never Known it", Breakthroughs.
I Celebrate Me
: Coaching Project
is a team of fully engaged, professional Coaches and Trainers
Perhaps you are a life time member of the self help book of the month club and maybe you have been to so many seminars that you have become a professional participant. But after all is said and done and the high from the new thing has flat lined you find yourself no better off or fortified to handle the challenges of living.
Information is just information. So how do you break that information down to a digestible, ionic form, that you can and will use for fuel, the energy for change?
The I Celebrate Me Coaching team understands that our clients learn in different ways, that there is no 'one coaching size fit's all'. For some learning first takes place in the muscles, for others it is an appreciative cognitive process and still there are those that ingest through a reflective or meditative discipline.
The way that you truly learn is explored and discovered inside of I Celebrate Me and once "Your personal process" is discerned. We empower you to remap your present/future by getting your butt out of the chair if that is not where you "belong" and getting you up on your feet and engaged in the activity or activities that will make that critical shift in your life.
My specialization is EXTREME COACHING :
Your one on one time with me can include the following:
You can expect and will experience powerful breakthroughs in the following areas.
For package and program information Dr. Nygel Poche may be reached at 323-319-6762
or email: or