With your permission, I can help! As a Certified Holistic Life Coach, with over 11 years of mental health experience and my own personal experience of emotionally detoxing, I will help you heal from your emotional wounds by creating a system of self-care that allows you to take care of yourself unselfishly. I teach the healthy living strategies that encourages you to heal from your fear and anxiety, trust your inner self, and improve the intimacy in your relationships.
11 years ago, I dramatically left an abusive relationship and recently in one where I understand the importance of being better friends than lovers. Even in my efforts to heal, I was divinely reminded that my healing process was not done, but evolutionary. Especially in the last year, I had to worked mindfully to correct four critical lifestyle mistakes in caring for my emotional wellness & realized my emotionally detox was a consistent, holistic system of self- care. That system was allowed me to tap into my power to create a healthier sense of self and resulted in a life changing and long lasting experience. I do not regret making the commitment and putting in the effort.
When it comes to encouraging a healthy relationship, sex life, and overall lifestyle, emotional wounds becomes baggage and is a tremendous block to our blessings. It leads to self-sabotaging behaviors like emotional eating and poor choices in our work and relationships.
My transformational life coaching approach offers you the support to break the cycle of functioning within your dysfunction. I will support your effort to live your best life possible, not from a materialist gain but from an emotional gain and balance by being healthy from within.
Using the components of my proven self-care system, Emotional Detox , I will provide you with the tools to nurture your spirit by improving emotional wellness, improve your relationships by eliminating self-sabotaging behaviors and empower your personal growth by teaching you how to create a system of self-care that allows you to take care of yourself unselfishly.
Find out more about how you can begin your emotionally detox, download my free audio session listed above, Understanding the MindBody Connect or get my personal growth and healing program. Emotional Detox , both available on my personal blog, TheIntimacyMiniManual.com.
Schedule your exploratory session and find out how we can journey together in your healing process.