Michelle C. Lane is a freelance writer and parent of a child, diagnosed at the age of fifteen, with Bipolar Disorder. Bringing awareness to Bipolar Disorder is something that is near and dear to her heart. Since the time of her daughter's diagnosis, Michelle has gained extensive personal knowledge on the symptoms, treatments, and struggles that those with Bipolar Disorder are faced with. Bipolar is a big enough struggle for those who have been diagnosed; Families and loved ones of those with Bipolar Disorder face emotional struggles that should not be diminished or disregarded. Parents of children who are diagnosed face some of the greatest challenges, oftentimes feeling as they are all alone or have failed as a parent, and not knowing where they can turn for help or support.
I urge everyone to get educated on the facts of Bipolar Disorder and in turn we can educate others.
Remember Mental Illness Awareness Week 2010 October 3-9
Please visit http://www.nami.org/template.cfm?section=Mental_Illness_Awareness_Week