Every day we have a choice, to be loving to all, and especially ourselves. It takes great fortitude to stay on the up and up – to stay on the Spiritual Path without faltering.
It’s not actually that we fall off of the Path. It is going into the valleys of the road, instead of climbing to the summit. When you officially step onto the Spiritual Path, ardent study and searching for the hidden meanings of life becomes your greatest joy. Every little step has meaning. Every step brings us closer to the Spirit within.
When you step onto the Path, you will know it. You are able to look at life from a different perspective. You are able to see the events in your life from a higher picture. There is a knowing that all has a divine purpose. Every action and reaction means something.
Walking the Spiritual Path is a literal and figurative way of life. It is actually a trail you commit to. It’s as if it is in the etheric realms, and you step onto it with dedication and a promise to see life with its deeper meanings...
Continued in "Free Articles and Book Excerpts" "Walking the Spiritual Path"
"There are as many paths to God as there are people. Each in their own beautiful way." (MCB)
"Once you set your foot on the spiritual path, there is no turning back. It becomes your greatest desire to glimpse the truth of our existence and to understand even one minute part of how this miraculous universe works. The quest for knowledge becomes the focus of your life. This great giant puzzle and its pieces seem to begin to fit together."
from Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26 - January 6 by Merry C. Battles
"Are we helpless pawns in a mass hysteria of delusion, or are we in fact powerful beings of light caught in material form? Have we not chosen to be here during the most exciting and frightening time of our Gaia-Earth? Hold on to your hats, it might be a bumpy ride. Chaos! Do we have to have all of it? Or is it just a shaking up, drowning out, firing up, spewing out, blowing apart, or freezing up of all that is dead, unkind, false, unrealistic, and trying?"
from Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26 - January 6 by Merry C. Battles
"Transformation is levels of understanding." (MCB)
"Is God's will what's happening?" (MCB)
"Karma is no respector of persons. Karma Is." (MCB)
"Be at peace and know that no matter the appearance of calamity, disruption, and chaos, there is love behind every action of this world. There is a reason for suffering." (MCB)
"Kick me if I say it's boring because then all hell breaks loose. (MCB)
"God gives me the light and the dirt. I always get the dirt. (The dirt is the truth.) (MCB)
"We have our plans, and then there's God." (Margie Battles, my Mother)
"God likes variety." (Hallae, my daughter)
"Sometimes I go about pitying myself, when all the time I am being carried by great winds across the sky." (Ojibway Dream Song)
"For every 'Oh Lord' of thine are a thousand 'Here am I's'" (Sufi Prayer)
"Thinkest thyself a puny form when within thee the universe is folded?" (Sufi)
"God is a comedian with an audience whose afraid to laugh. (Voltaire)
"All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop." (Kabir 1450-1518)
"Without a foe, a soldier never knows his strength."
( The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ)
"Life has meaning only in the struggle. Triumph or defeat is in the hands of the Gods. So let us celebrate the struggle!" (Swahilu Warrior Song)
Book Excerpts:
Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6
Written and Illustrated by Merry C. Battles
Each one of the holy days is assigned to a Disciple, sign of the Zodiac, spiritual center of the physical body, spiritual attainment, and a passage from the Bible.
My book can be used all year as the Earth travels through each sign of the Zodiac. For example, as we are in the sign of Taurus, read the meditations for the holy day of Taurus. The universal focus for that time is, "He that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God." (John 4:16)
From the second holy day Taurus:
1997“My dwelling place is love. Its home is the heart. It reaches to all corners of the universe and comes right back to live in you. It deems the impossible. It sanctifies the improbable. It performs the miraculous. It feeds all souls. My love encompasses every atom of space - it soars in between the atoms of quantum theory. It fuels all sources of energy. It lives in each breath. It creates anew at each second. My love forgives all weaknesses, all harmful ways. It understands the fall from Spirit with
“My love knows no boundaries yet is in all the limits of time and space. It fills the entire cosmos and creates more love. This love can be yours, yours for the asking.
“It can fill your being at each moment of time. Like the eagle, it can lift up the most downtrodden heart. It can sing like the sweet birds in the morning welcoming the new sun’s light.
“The past is over. The future is what you make it. The now is when I love you, filling your spirit to encompass the whole world. This love is possible to create Heaven on Earth. Its life lives each moment in the creation of time. If I were to speak, there would be words of love…love…evolve. Love evolves into more love. All is in divine order with helping unseen hands. Every moment counts as My children grow into beings of light where love dwells, heals all, is all. Amen.”
2000Every creation of God is wrapped in love. We are created and exist in this love. Every action of the universe contains the law and essence of Spirit. We understand our truths according to our development. It is time to accept every moment, every action, every minute wave of fire, air, earth, and water as directly from
the movement of the Creator’s love. All happens according to the divine plan with every experience necessary for our higher learning. We are here to express the Divine. That is our sole mission. The great “I AM,” the great “One,” moves and breathes and we have our life. The awareness of love in every breath will be known.
WORDS There are no words in heaven.
But look what words do here.
They come to bless us, come to haunt us;
Come to love us and to damn us.
Words, some chosen with thought.
Others fly out with unexpected swiftness.
Words can calm the most tormented soul.
Words that one mind can touch with another.
Some words bring with them the joy of the morning.
Others close the day with darkness and foreboding.
Which ones will come out of my mouth?
Ones that come from the heart?
Ones that will become as blessings on wings;
that bring love and happiness
And, one day, wisdom.
©1994,2008 Merry C. Battles
Massage - The Touch of Divinity
by Merry C. Battles
©2006,2008 Merry C. Battles
I get to touch God every day.
In Her myriad faces and forms.
In Her glorious beauty and joy.
In Her dark secrets and hidden motives.
I get to stroke God everyday.
In His mighty power and will.
In His ability to be perfect and
Always on time.
I get to touch God everyday.
In His divine order in chaos.
In the hands of a small child.
In the withered hands of a wizened elder,
Who knows how to go with the flow,
And accept what's happening
As the way it should be.
I get to touch God every day
And wonder.
Wonder what comes next?
Imagine truth and beauty
As the answer to all problems.
I bow down to thee, to embrace the honor of union.
Touching God in the tiniest seed,
The most brilliant mind,
The sweet tender love of a child.
©2006,2008 Merry C. Battles
My "Every Day of the Year is Christmas" Gift to You.
Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6
Written and illustrated by Merry C. Battles
Free Ebook PDF File
To visit my website go to:
http://www.merrybattles.com/ or
Merry Art
Illustrations from my book:
Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26 - January 6
Black and White Posters
Black and White Posters:
The Many Faces of God
The Seven Layered Heart
Tree People
Light of the World
Jesus and Mary
(some of these have scripture)
War is Obsolete
Two Suns
Aquarian Woman
Tall Tree
Rainbow Circle
Spirit Tree