Melanie Tonia Evans is an author, radio host, qualified kinesiologist and quanta healer, spiritual healer, life empowerment coach, and relationship and dating expert. Following her own painful relationships and personal experiences that bought her to near death, her research, healing and empowerment of herself and others has seen Melanie become an advocate for empowering women and facilitating the creation of healthy relationships. Today Melanie is a recognised world expert on narcissism, co-dependence and relationship addiction. Her radio program, interviews, books, courses, articles, readings and healings assist women world-wide.
Melanie released her first self help books, Breaking the Chains of Painful Love
and Take Back Your Power
in 2007 to help individuals recognise their self-limiting belief systems that create toxic relationships, and provides the tools to heal from these and create more loving relationships in our lives, starting with the self.
Melanie’s processes of re-claiming self, which include soul psychology, past-life resolution healing, quantum physics and Life Principles, have proven extremely effective for individuals struggling with abusive, disappointing and painful relationship patterns. Melanie also provides in-house programmes in self-mastery and manifestation. These programmes have substantially increased individuals’ ability to pro-actively create love, success and happiness, and have created rapid and durable results.
Some of Melanie’s talents include clairvoyance, numerology, palmistry, and past life work, kinesiology and Quanta Healing™. Melanie specializes in locating, providing awareness and releasing false belief systems that can be deeply subconscious and which continually sabotage the creation of the life we truly want.
Melanie’s personal life comprised of severe dysfunction including alcoholism, life-threatening situations, painful and abusive relationships and suicidal depression.
Melanie states, " My breakdowns created my breakthroughs because I needed deeper solutions in order to survive
She further explains, " I climbed up and out from victim - to survivor - to thriver - all as a result of embracing dysfunctions with humility and ownership, and making necessary changes at core level rather than simply addressing the symptoms. As a Spiritual Author and Healer, I feel very passionate about delivering more than just divination and surface knowledge. My deep and passionate knowing is that what every individual really needs is to be empowered with the tools to re-create their own life - the life that they truly want, instead of creating the life over and over again that they don't want. People desperately need to know HOW to do this. Lasting peace, joy, self-belief, self-worth and a knowing of 'who you are' is totally do-able
As such, every individual that partakes in a Melanie Tonia Evans eCourse, reading or healing experiences a deeper understanding of their life, and learns how to unlock their potential in every area of life.
Melanie offers a range of products and services which assist with self mastery, self empowerment and healing painful relationships.
eBooks for Relationships, Dating And Living
Learn how you can prepare for dating and how to effectively date. Manifest the goal of the loving relationship that you desire, without having to experience love pain again!
~ Empowered Relationships eBooks
~ Empowered Dating eBooks
~ Empowered Living eBooks
Empowering Self-Mastery eCourses
Professionally structured Spiritual Practitioner Courses that provide the tools to help you become effective in love, dating and how to create a happy life.
~ Empowered Relationships eCourse
~ Empowered Dating eCourse
~ Empowered Living eCourse coming soon...
Healing & Counselling Services
~ Life Purpose and Soul Blueprint Readings
In-depth personal soul level reading to help you uncover Your true Soul Purpose and discover how to align with Authentic Love, Success and Happiness. Incorporating Numerology, Palmistry, Tarot & clairvoyance for life direction, personal empowerment and soul responsibility.
~ Quanta Healing™
A unique and powerful energy healing which provides dramatic and fast results to help you release your Authentic Power for, Love, Success & Happiness. Incorporating muscle testing, aura work, theta energy healing & past life healing to release deep DNA self-sabotage programs that block you from creating the life you want.
~ Numerology Profiles
Discover your true purpose in life, who you really are, and unlock your highest potential to become a master of your own destiny with this full professional Numerology Chart Reading. Move towards full deservedness of love, health, success and growth beyond your previously limited belief systems.
~ Name Numerology Assements
Learn the best names to use when creating a business, naming a baby, renaming. A comprehensive interaction and includes a full pdf report.
You can
give meaning to your life journey and transcend pain and ‘less than’ results to bliss, love, accomplishment and joy.
The best way to get started is by visiting Melanie Tonia Evans
If you are struggling with love pain and disappointment, and wonder how to manifest and sustain a healthy love relationship, it is highly suggested that you work through the books Breaking the Chains of Painful Love
and the workbook companion Take Back Your Power
Melanie will assist you in the process of empowering self to create the life you truly deserve in any
area of your life. The combination of deep awareness of your ‘blueprint’ (inherent DNA challenges to overcome and gifts to release) and powerful energy healings and processes of real life usable soul psychology provide formidable solutions to transform your life beyond previous recognition
PO Box 7203
Karingal Centre, Karingal, Vic 3199