Some healers demonstrate great proficiency and knowledge in their field of endeavor. Others eagerly support their clients by revealing the most empowering methods and strategies for healing. Others still, develop and create programs that reach beyond the imagination. When working with Meg Benedicte, Bio-Energetic Surgeon, Evolutionist, Ascension Teacher and Author, participants receive it all.
Through her unique gift for understanding subtle energies and discerning the vigorous blueprints of disease, Ms. Benedicte has become a pioneer in vortex healing and has uncovered the lost “Holy Grail” to heal collective karma and genetic corruption. Having created an original and powerful healing approach, the distinctive proprietary process known as Unified Field Therapy®, Ms. Benedicte helps her clients to quickly changes lives by altering out-of-date systems that limit the human experience. What distinguishes Unified Field Therapy® from other healing modalities is the spinning vortex of light, which accesses the timeless 12 dimensions of the Unified Field, not yet accessible to most healers.
From an early age, Ms. Benedicte recognized her passion and gift for seeing beyond the world and into the subtle energies of those around her. Blessed with a natural psychic ability, she began to understand the key to life’s struggles, pain and disease and was driven to transform her own debilitating life patterns. Pursuing an array of therapeutic treatments, she was relentless in her pursuit for finding a healing modality that worked, and was successful when uncovering a vision into deeper levels of consciousness. Today, her unique program and system offers profound and insightful results.
As a pioneer in Bio-Energetic Healing, Ms. Benedicte experienced a profound Spiritual Initiation by the High Council in 1997 to activate and apply the mechanics of the Unified Field Vortex as a powerful tool for transformation. Serving as a channel, Bio-Energetic Healer, and transformational coach, Ms. Benedicte facilitates group healings that catapult her clients into deep meditative states within the Unified Field Vortex thereby helping to accelerate awakened consciousness and reaching spiritual enlightenment. Participants regularly experience deep healing along with an abundance of life force, all while releasing limiting programs and energy patterns, fears and belief systems that have long blocked their well being and self-realization.
Quoting Ms. Benedicte: “My role as an energetic surgeon is to help others change their past by turning it into a newly formed present, as nothing is more important to me than seeing my clients break free of self-imprisonment thereby reaching a higher level of awareness. Drawing on my years in a private healing practice, I have created a cutting-edge holistic bio-energetic program specifically designed to optimize the global energy acceleration that is currently taking place on earth. As we approach the pivotal year of 2012, we are moving into a new age of spiritual activation and enlightenment and this program not only supports the myriad of Ascension symptoms and stages of healing, but it also transforms human reality by catapulting participants into the New Earth Hologram. In truth, every day should be an act of love and joy, therefore it is my goal to empower every person I work with by helping them release old patterns and conditioning that keeps them from living a life of bliss.”
As a leader in the Human Potential Movement, Ms. Benedicte serves with an unusual ability to see, feel and hear into the unseen world of energy. With her unique gift, she has dedicated her life towards assisting and teaching the principles, steps and techniques required to achieve personal ascension and self-realization. Participants in her comprehensive bio-energetic program gain access to monthly newsletters, blogs, lectures, group healings, and Meditation CDs. In addition, Ms. Benedicte makes it possible for subscription members to meet and communicate with other evolving Souls through the Members Message Board. Members also gain access to personal mentoring in website postings on current news alerts, insights and guidance about the benefits of a living a holistic lifestyle, and healing the fragmented mind, with the intent that all of humanity can break free of the enslavement program of duality, and attain personal sovereignty while bridging into the New Earth!
According to Ms. Benedicte, throughout time every thought, emotion, fear and belief is stored in our cellular structure…evolving into the blueprint that produces our third-dimensional image in space. The swirling strands of DNA code are the conveyors of genetic information that determine our entire physical existence; and can be changed! There is considerable evidence that mind-body interventions have positive effects on psychological functioning and quality of life, and may be particularly helpful for patients coping with chronic illness.
As an adjunct to her broad scope of services, Ms. Benedicte provides guided meditations in monthly teleclass/webcasts and her online radio show at News for the Soul, with a focus on group healings regarding the Ascension Plan now in effect into 2012. The class recordings are available at both her website store and in the audio archive library for subscription members. Additionally Ms. Benedicte sponsors a holistic wellness center, the Crystalline Healing Center in Los Angeles, where she is personally involved in training staff practitioners in Unified Field Therapy®.
Through Ms. Benedicte’s classes, clients experience deeper soul connection, feel lighter and peaceful within all levels of their energy and begin to notice and observe daily habits and behavior that no longer resonate with their increased consciousness. As clients clear out lower density and activate their innate healing powers they begin to manage and monitor their own energy and daily equilibrium. Ms. Benedicte highly recommends investing time and energy in clearing all ego-attachments to the corrupted hologram of duality, by unlocking the genetic codes and programs of ego-gratification, consumerism, addictions and victim/grandiosity consciousness. ”By embracing Soul presence and embodying Sacred Union, we can break free of the web of duality, the enslavement program of this planetary hologram, and move into the New Earth - into the Law of ONE,” stated Ms. Benedicte. “This will enable our spiritual journeys to become enhanced and assisted by the incoming photon particle waves as we gradually transform our physical bodies into Human Avatars. Using the bio-energetic program enables users to assimilate the particle acceleration into the physical biology, as well as assist the activation of the timeless mind.”
Ms. Benedicte was born and raised in Los Angeles, California and graduated from UCLA. Her career spans more than 25 years both in the business world as well as a private healing practice. She has devoted the past ten years to developing and practicing Unified Field Therapy ®, and most recently has invested a great deal of energy into building her Soulful Services organization. Ms. Benedict is the author of Soul Realized: Unlocking the Sacred Key to Becoming Divine Humans . Her private healing Telecourses and Vortex Meditation CDs can be found at her web site and make it possible for anyone to access and penetrate the Unified Field of Life Force. Ms. Benedicte is available for consultations and speaking engagements and can be reached by contacting her at 310.858-8169 or by e-mail at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Monthly Group Vortex Healing Meditations
Within the comfort of your home, you can experience Vortex healing "live" on the phone or webcast. Meg Benedicte leads participants through a series of bio-energetic healing upgrades and activations in response to group members needs and planetary rhythms.
Vortex Meditators support their personal healing process with an abundance of life force, deep Soul connection, calm internal balancing, all while releasing limiting programs and energy patterns, fears and belief systems that have long blocked their well-being and self-realization.
visit for upcoming Teleclass/Webcasts.
Transform Your Life by Transforming Your Mind!
In an age where advances in awakened consciousness and spiritual enlightenment are sought by the masses, groundbreaking ideas are constantly emerging. We live in extraordinary times, and are witnessing an unprecedented window of opportunity to evolve and Ascend Humanity. Yet to genuinely transform a life, one must be willing to transform the mind. The question is how? Today, a totally innovative and cutting edge approach is making its mark in the world of co-evolutionary enlightenment and it’s called Unified Field Therapy®. This unique, revolutionary process, which was developed by Ascension healer and teacher Meg Benedicte, not only helps release energy that is blocking one’s good, but it clears past traumas and quickly awakens consciousness.
Cut Loose of Limitations…Expand Your Vision….Fulfill Your True Potential
As humans, the majority of us live our lives under limited experiences based only on old energy blocks, incorrect assumptions and outworn systems that no longer support our dreams. Unified Field Therapy® is a holistic healing approach that begins with an evaluation and assessment of old patterns and takes the participant through an expanded meditative state within a spinning vortex that releases engrained programming and energetic blocks.
Applied in a gentle, sacred healing manner, Unified Field Therapy® serves as a catalyst, almost immediately shifting the energy in the body and mind and leaving one with feelings of peace, empowerment and motivation. Imagine for a moment how good life would be if we were deliberately choosing to clear away unwanted behaviors in a serene, peaceful setting. It isn’t hard to envision and certainly not hard to achieve, particularly when one incorporates the Unified Field Vortex into their lives. Impacting dynamically on the physical, emotional and spiritual systems, this innovative approach helps shift a person’s vibrational energy, thereby moving a participant towards achieving more soul-body union; thus aligning with true purpose and the spirit’s genuine destiny on the Ascension Path.
Break Free From Unwanted Behaviors!
Ask yourself if you are missing out on some of the joys in life because of old memories or trapped energy? Does it appear that others are experiencing a deeper and more lasting level of fulfillment and enlightenment? In truth we cannot do anything to get happy, but we can instead become happy and that can be achieved by releasing out-of-date programming that no longer works. If you are aware of the stresses in your day-to-day experience and know that you are not living the life you always dreamed about, perhaps you are ready to break free from these unwanted behaviors and sabotaging mental blocks. Perhaps you are ready to experience the Unified Field treatment, a process that will break you free of self-imprisonment, and guide you into the New Earth!
"What is Unified Field Therapy®?"
Holistic Health is actually an approach to life. Rather than focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and their daily environment. It emphasizes the connection of mind, body, and spirit. The goal is to achieve maximum well-being, where everything is functioning the very best that is possible.
In Holistic Medicine, a symptom is considered a message that something is out of balance and needs attention. The symptom is used as a guide to look deeper into the condition of the mind, emotions, body, and spirit in order to locate the root cause of separation.
According to Unified Field Theory, developed by Albert Einstein and his successors, our physical, mental and emotional bodies are supported by a grand force field of energy that permeates and bonds all. This grand “Unified Field” of energy which operates much like a matrix of interconnecting life force (chi), contains all possibilities, past, present, future and all unmanifested potential. Because our energetic bio-fields are part of an interconnected whole, the use of focused intention by one individual can benefit the health and well-being of another.
Based on the tenets of Quantum Mechanics, there is no reality until it is observed…our very act of observation breaks the natural wholeness of the Unified Field. Quantum physics shows us that matter is how spirit appears in the physical universe…how matter appears depends on our mind’s choices. We create our current reality by the continual choices that we make. Our “Unified Field” translates into a human hologram where our inner condition is interwoven with the manifestation of our physical lives.
Throughout time every thought, emotion, fear and belief is stored in our cellular structure…evolving into the blueprint that produces our third-dimensional image in space. The swirling strands of DNA code are the conveyors of genetic information that determine our entire physical existence; and can be changed! There is considerable evidence that mind-body interventions have positive effects on psychological functioning and quality of life, and may be particularly helpful for patients coping with chronic illness.
By correcting the intention of our thoughts, choices and desires we can transform the molecular patterning that creates our human experience. The quantum notion of discontinuity and the illusion of time and space also provides a transformational opportunity. If life does not occur in a linear fashion as a continuous phenomenon, then we can transcend the past in one moment. Within the timeless 12 dimensions of the Unified Field Vortex, we can jump into a totally spontaneous newly formed present, released from past conditioning…ready to experience life with new freshness, hope and purpose.
Meg Benedicte channels an original approach to assess and evaluate optimum patterning within the Vortex, and if beneficial or necessary, transforms energy and matter. Unified Field Therapy® is an interactive process…within a powerful force field, Meg can catalyze radical change in people’s lives by updating the outworn physical, financial, emotional and spiritual systems that are limiting their human experience. Acting like a mechanic of energy systems, Meg is able to read the energetic blueprints in the Unified Field, access the Akashic Records, locate and assess the source of the pattern; heal the original wound; integrate the life lesson; erase the karmic debt; remove the genetic lineage and create a new reality better reflecting true soul purpose and Ascension. Specializing in energy dynamics, Meg has applied this innovative technique on freeing clients from debilitating programs from family of origin, from addiction systems and from generationally transferable disease, as well as Soul karmic contracts.
This is done during deep meditation, within a powerful 12th-Dimensional spinning vortex, where one can revamp ones bio-energetic programming in a radical way. The proprietary vortex spin enables individuals to make headway in penetrating the Unified Field with its infinite content. Meg will lead clients into the necessary deep meditative state, penetrating the Unified Field, and use her skills as an energetic surgeon to change the past for a newly formed present. The focus and application of Unified Field Therapy® is offered mainly to support and activate individual Ascension, evolution and purpose.