Blogger, Writer, Holistic and Quantum Therapist, Holistic Consultant, Energy Healer, Etheric Crystal Therapist, Etheric Floral Therapist, Reiki Therapist, Crystal Therapist...
Researcher in the area of self-discovery, personal transformation, spirituality, natural therapies, energy healing, quantum physics, crystals, floral and ethereal crystals, shamanism, magic, spiritual obsessions, attraction law, Ho'oponopono, ...
I understand that the Human Being must be seen in its entirety as a Being of Light.
In the "Requalification of the Being", various techniques and approaches are used, according to the need of the person concerned, returning every person to their original Light.
Working essentially remotely all over the world.
My biggest challenges are the treatments for children and holistic therapists.
All the pain, disease, everything that happens to us in life, is a sign of our unconscious for us to change our reality. It is an opportunity that our body gives us to reflect on our attitudes and change our habits to be healthy and have quality of life.
Use the wisdom of your body to overcome disease and to live a fully life ...
Remember the "cure" begins in you...