Humorist Will Rogers once observed, "There are three kinds of men - ones that learn by reading, a few who learn by observation, and the rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves."
Though he has never braved a real electric fence, Larry understands the above metaphor all too well. His life is more a series of clumsy learning experiences than a polished "how-to" manual.
Remarkably, God has called Larry to share these slices of imperfection and accumulated wisdom with readers from over thirty countries around the world - those fortunate souls who prefer to learn through reading and observation.
Larry's first book, Get the Prize
, was published in 2003. He is currently writing his second book, expected to be released in 2010.
Larry writes and speaks with humor, humility and the passion for all to know that God loves us and is always ready to welcome us back with open arms. No matter how many times we have peed on the electric fence.
Larry lives in Canada with his wife and four children.
"Sometimes we fail to notice how empty, miserable, or at least misguided we are in certain situations until we are drawn into better circumstances and get a different perspective." - Larry Hehn
"What captures our attention may have more to do with the object’s proximity or its initial sensory appeal than its ability to fulfill a valid need." - Larry Hehn
"Often we place too much emphasis on the desired results, and not enough on the person we need to be to achieve and support those results." - Larry Hehn
"Asking for - and even receiving - God's forgiveness does not excuse us from having to face the consequences of our actions." - Larry Hehn
"Like it or not, God is God. There are no valid substitutes." - Larry Hehn "We need to stop defending, defining and enforcing scripture. We need, instead, to start living it." - Larry Hehn