Having a fascination with numbers, statistics and finance in general, I began trading stocks in 1997. After many years of trial and error, I have decided to start a website where I can pass the information I have learned on to others. Having a website is the pefect way for me to do this.
My website, "Online-Stock-Trading-Guide.com", provides information, tips and resources with my goal of helping others learn from my past experiences. Running my website, and possibly others in the near future, enable me
to pass on my knowledge of the many things I have learned in my life,
with the goal of helping anyone I can.
My fascination with numbers and statistics began way back in my elementary school years. It was obvious, as Math was my favorite and best subject throughout school. I also began using, and started enjoying using computers in my early teenage years with a Commodore 64 Computer (I'm giving clues to my age here).
After high school I went to college majoring in Accounting, again pursuing my interest with mathematics. I also enrolled in a Technical school and majored in "Computer Operations" using Mainframe Computers in the middle 1980's.
Fast forward 10 years and I found myself starting my own Construction Company. Running my own small business, I was able to use my math, accounting, and general business skills to be successful. The first year open, my business completed just over $650,000 in work. For the next 12 years I never went below this figure and went as high as $1,400,000 in annual completed work. Every year was profitable.
At the same time while running my business, I started to explore "Stock
Trading" using my knowledge of Math and statistics to help me along again. Istarted in 1997 just before the "Tech Bubble". I have been trading ever
since and truly enjoy what I am doing.
My goal with Stock Trading now is to continue to pursue a way to provide consistent returns and eventually provide this information to others as well.
Larry Both
Contact Form: http://www.online-stock-trading-guide.com/contact.html
Website URL: http://www.online-stock-trading-guide.com