Kristin brings a unique approach to healing, providing tangible and effective tools to use in all the many experiences of life. She guides you through self-exploration, personal growth, inner healing and changes that truly transform your life.
Kristin has 27 years experience as a holistic counselor, intuitive healer, teacher, speaker, crisis intervention advocate and author. She has extensive training and experience in Metaphysical sciences, crisis intervention, child abuse and domestic violence counseling, suicide prevention and rape victim advocacy. She is owner of The Spirit Awakening Holistic Counseling in Redondo Beach, CA., where she has been in private practice for over 14 years. She integrates traditional, cross-cultural and transpersonal techniques, using a variety of approaches, including inner child exploration, grief work, cognitive therapy, guided visualization and ceremony. Some of the issues she addresses are anxiety, fear, depression, emotional pain, addiction, anger, grief and loss. She is a spiritual growth expert, helping in awakening your true, original spirit, shedding the false self and actualizing the manifestation of who you authentically are in every area of your life.
She helps you be in peace, joy, creative energy, true power and passion, awake with purpose and connection. Be the instrument for which the Universal Life Force forges and expresses its most beautiful perfection and manifestation through you.
Kristin is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, trained in Advanced Neuro Dynamics and is a Usui Reiki Master. Kristin is completing her Doctorate and Ph.D. In Metaphysical Sciences and Counseling. Kristin also creates powerful and relaxing Guided Visualization Meditation CDs.
She and her husband of 33 years live in Redondo Beach and they have two daughters, 29 and 31 yrs. old.
Our spirit is on a never ending quest seeking to fulfill itself. We are not our thoughts. We are not our past. We are not our pain, our loss, our regret or our actions. We are the whole and complete, divine and spiritual being having those experiences. The sorrow comes from thinking and believing that we are defined by our human experience. Life simply provides us with opportunities to discover and remember who we truly are. The human experience can show us who we are not as well as who we are on our path to self realization.
If we are not our thoughts, if we are not our pain, our doubts, our fear, our successes......who are we? Who is your original spirit who was fully, perfectly, clearly and beautifully defined before the human experience began? That original spirit is who we are, in truth, and it has an innate purpose as the fulfillment of its expression while on earth. This forges the path of healing, growth and awakening - the journey of remembering this truth.
Visit my website describing my healing work as a counselor, a healing retreat facilitator as well as a selection of articles I have written and published.