There are people in every organization who are just looking for an opportunity to be offended. So at 9:00 tomorrow morning, walk up to their desk and offend them. Now they can actually be productive for a change.
If it takes a village to raise a child, how then do you explain the village idiot?
The things that happen today prepare you for what is coming tomorrow. That is called "the process." Trust it.
It’s not that people want us to fail; it’s just that they don’t want us to succeed. When we succeed, we show them what could have been done with a little effort.
When all else fails, there’s always success. Go ahead. Make mistakes. Get over it.
At the end of life, I’ve never heard anyone say, “I wish I’d been less successful and more stupid.” Get better. Get smarter. Learn as much as you can. Do as much as humanly possible.
The trick to consistently thinking outside of the box is to never get in the box in the first place.
People hire us for our skill and then fire us for the crap we bring with it.
With every bad job, bad relationship and bad event in our lives, there is only one common denominator. Figure it out and you’ll be free.
Life is like a hockey game: there are those who play and there are those who pay to watch those who play. Then there are those who show up late and ask, “What did I miss?”
We’re not resistant to change: just sudden change.
A routine is one step away from a rut.
Leadership is not a title or a position. It is a way of life and an attitude.
International Attitude Expert Kevin Burns is a masterful communicator. He knows how to get your attention, how to keep it and how to get you to make profound changes in a short period of time. And if you don’t start making changes after your time with Kevin, well ... then you don’t want to!
Kevin Burns - Workplace Expert - Management Consultant - Keynote SpeakerEngagement - Management - Safety
#719, 105-150 Crowfoot CR, NW, Calgary, AB, Canada T3G 3T2