Kathy is a licensed massage therapist with more than ten years experience in various forms of massage and kinesiotherapies as well as a variety of therapeutic energy practices, including advanced acupressure, metabolic biofeedback, and the ReSource Protocol for Mind/Body/Spirit, which she authored. She is a member of the International Massage Association and the Touch for Health Kinesiology Association . Kathy has been a certified Reiki master teacher since 1997, has been certified by the International Kinesiology College. as a Touch for Health instructor since 1999, and completed the advanced courses for Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioners in 2005. Most recently, Kathy received her certification for Crossinology's Brain Integration Technique in April, 2008. She also completed courses in Crossinology's Brain Physiology (Nov. 2007), Muscle ReActivation (April 2008), and Advanced Brain Integration (Oct. 2008).
Additional areas of study, experiences, and interests that have influenced Kathy's life and career include color and sound therapy, shamanic healing traditions, the Legge Method , the Metabolic Protocol, religion & mysticism, music, poetry, virtue based education , relationship and family development, and programs promoting social integration and unification, such as The Interfaith Partnership of Metropolitan St. Louis.
For nine years, prior to her career as a therapist, Kathy taught an early childhood enrichment program throughout the Greater St. Louis Area. She created this program to encourage character strengths, creativity, and academic potential in children using music and movement. She is published in an award winning children’s magazine, has composed music for both children and adults, and home-schooled her son, a nephew, and a niece when their various special needs were not being met in the public school.
A life-long attraction to the natural healing sciences, a passion for education, a great love for people of all ages, an avid interest in religions, quantum sciences, and a bent for the mystical, have combined to inform and inspire a career in which therapy and education intertwine to empower both students and clients. With more than 30 years developing a loving and joyful marriage, caring for aging parents, raising a child during challenging times, facing her own serious health issues, and developing two unique careers in the midst of it all, Kathy brings more than her eclectic studies into her work. Life, itself, will often equip us with skills and understandings we could never learn from books.
What alters Brain Function?
The human brain performs extremely complicated electro-magnetic functions and, like any other organ, shows symptoms of stress when any threat, real or imagined, is perceived. Under acute stress, the brain's blood supply is redirected for fight or flight in the body, and the logic or creative centers simply shut down. With this shut down, the synchronization of brain function is lost and we just cannot think clearly. When this happens in early childhood, while the brain is developing, the brain will often maintain that shut down as a learned mechanism of survival. The perceived threat may have only been the result of natural misunderstandings in early childhood. Later, not knowing that we lost access to efficient brain function, we commonly blame ourselves for not trying harder, or worse, not being intelligent enough. We learn to switch off when we could be welcoming new experiences. BIT can help children and adults to re-pattern brain activity and rediscover their true potential.
In the West we have long understood our physical presence from a chemical and structural point of view. Our anatomy and physiology are a complex organization of operations which has been studied right down to the exact energy frequency of each hormone, mineral, enzyme, and metabolic pathway. We are only beginning to experiment with the possibilities this vast and detailed knowledge affords us. On the other hand, we have accumulated only vague, and often opinionated, understandings of the complexities of our psycho-emotional and spiritual presence. The interplay between our physical functions, our mental operations, and our spiritual faculties are, by and large, still a mystery.
Kathy has always been as fascinated by the scientific discoveries in human physiology as she has been by the intricate studies of our spiritual faculties. However, she is most intrigued by the interaction and integration of our physical, rational, and spiritual systems.
A variety of ancient sciences have long studied the interplay of our physical bodies and the patterns of subtle energies we might call psycho-emotional. It has been understood for thousands of years that there is a circuitry of subtle energy intelligence that organizes, balances and maintains the complexities of our whole presence - mind, body, and spirit. In these cultures, the exactitude of science and the wisdoms of theologies have harmonized to create a more complete map of the human reality. These maps chart systems of energy centers such as auric layers, major chakras, and acupoints. These can be thought of as magno-electronic intelligence centers and pathways. The way they connect and interact via meridians and inter-meridian pathways can be understood as a complex flow of energy intelligences.
If we compare it to the way information processes via electronic pathways in a computer, we can then visualize our subtle energy systems as a bio-computer. When looking at the logic board of a computer, the electronic flow of intelligences, processing volumes of information in milliseconds, is not visible. Nonetheless, we know it's happening. Much like a computer's intelligence system is designed to maintain itself with regular functions, such as defragmenting and updating, the invisible functions of our bio-computer regulate and balance our whole being - mind, body, and spirit.
In her eclectic studies, explorations, and practices, Kathy has discovered a unique approach to working with this human intelligence system. This approach relies upon the understanding that the human reality is essentially spiritual and that the bio-computer relies upon the communication of spiritual intelligences that interact and manifest our reality in ways that can be studied scientifically. From this perspective, science and religion not only agree, but enhance each other dynamically.
These spiritual intelligences have been called human principles, character traits, pieces or faculties of the soul, or even reflections of divine virtue. The understanding that we were designed in the image of the Creator begs the question: What is the image of the Creator? If we understand the many images of the Divine, or the 'many Faces of God', as divine virtues, we can begin to understand how we were designed to resonate with and reflect those heavenly intelligences in our lives. Each of the Names of the Divine is a force of intelligence that can empower us as we learn to resonate with it. In this light, we can begin to grasp the multiple hidden meanings in the prayer left to us by Baha'u'llah,
"Thy Name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy..."
Although each of us begins with the potential to exercise these pieces of our souls , through trauma and misunderstanding we can become estranged even from those most essential aspects of ourselves. By re-integrating and re-membering those foundational potentials of our true selves, we re-establish our natural ability to balance, heal, and recover. Kathy has developed a method that effectively blends kinesiology, acupressure, and guided mediation for this purpose. Our minds, our bodies, our spirits can once again function with efficiency and durability, allowing us to invest ourselves in the lives we are here to live.