My most precious skills are ones that I was born with...writing and teaching. As a child I told stories, and now I write professionally. In all of my jobs and in my private life, I have gravitated toward teaching others. Both give me a warm satisfaction and have helped others see how this can be a better world.
Second, I have an inner sense of aesthetic beauty and observation. I can combine my writing and photography skills and produce articles and films with social significance and educational opportunities. People can more easily grow and learn through quality entertainment.
I also have what some people might refer to as Ancient Wisdom. It's an inner sense of being able to see deeper into a situation... see things that others might miss....or draw out a person's deeper assets.
My one craving is to learn more, and that's what I have done over the years... educate myself through people or institutions about many practical or spiritual matters.
My workshops have combined my college-learned skills with my life and intuitive skills so that I am able to provide personalized lessons on a deeper level than a person would get going to a big conference.
I strive for excellence and joy in my life, and love sharing my knowledge with others.
We offer weekly writing tips, insights, reviews and more. "Like" us!
=Web Site offers:
Our Main Web Page offers bi-monthly writing "tips" and "exercises" for writers.
= Our Quarterly newsletter offers:
Note, we offer a newsletter for WRITERS
and one on WELLNESS (writers) (wellness)
Both offer:
additionally for writers:
I have many quotes on my web site pages and in my newsletters that have touched me and/or made me think deeper. I believe in getting inspiration from great minds.
But my own quote would be: "You have a library of stories within you, and only you can tell them."
While it is true that every story "has been said already" , it is not the "what" but the " personal insight" that makes something new. For example: There are many books about a woman (or man) who struggles in an abusive situation, but overcomes it and grows into a stronger person, but it is the author's twist on that story that makes it uniquely theirs, and that is what attracts readers to it.
How different are: "Gone with the Wind" + "The English Patient" + "Cinderella" .....and how different would your story be? They are about someone who suffers greatly in their pursuit of finding their true love and acceptance of who they are, and yet, they could not be more different.
I believe that, in life, everyone should start with some basic knowledge and skills, ...and then they can twist and turn it and delete or re-create "the rules." This is why my workshops start with some basic skills, and then students build on that.
As far as "writers" in particular....
Yes, being born a writerhelps tremendously, but any smart personcan write well, and creatively, with the proper education and determination.
Workshops: =Creative Writing; Poetry; Journaling (instruction) =Wellness Retreats (informative; relaxation)
Conducted in B&B Retreat in the Rocky Mts. of Colorado,usually over a 4-day weekend (closed during winter);
=Inquire about workshops or lecturesconducted at your facility/or/for your group.
Writer/Journalist for Hire
Specializing in feature stories (people oriented), interviews/profiles. Also, historical articles and research, self-help articles and lists, wellness information and inspiration, arts and culture lessons and reviews.
Photographer/Videographer/Screenwriter for Hire
Specializing in Photojournalism and educational Documentaries.
Feature-length Screenplays inspired by real events or people.
Professional Review of Your Proposed Book or Writing Sample
Get an overall review of your book (synopsis, theme, writing style, appeal) with suggestions on how to improve it or make it more saleable to the public or presentable to an editor.
Email, phone and address can be found on our web site
thank you.