Julie Hawkins is CEO and co-founder of the Center for Spiritual and Noetic Studiesand NewLogic Solutions Alternative Health. After transitioning from “high tech” to “high touch” in 2000, Julie accelerated her own personal and professional evolution by immersing herself in well over 1,500 hours of specialized training. Julie began by taking a rigorous training program to become a professional coach and graduated from there to become a Certified Master Practitioner of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy™. She concluded her certification training in “brain” change technologies by becoming a trainer in these same modalities.
The floodgates opened and Julie soon realized that a true holistic approach was necessary for healing. Julie began her energy training in Reiki, becoming a Master/Teacher. She then trained for three years in the energy medicine modality of Acutonics™ Sound Healing (based on the ancient system of acupuncture) which offers a traditional understanding of the body as well as energetic.
At the same time Julie felt the immediate pull to Huna and invested four years to train in Hawaiian Shamanism, a truly comprehensive, energy based program for healing and so much more. This training became the foundation for her life as well as the certification training offered by the Center for Spiritual and Noetic Studies.
Among others, Julie is also trained in Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection, which is representative of the new higher frequency healing modalities that we are transitioning to on the planet. More recently Julie attended the Flower of Life and Merkaba activation training based in the sacred geometry of the Universe and the Unity Consciousness to enable multi-dimensional healing.
All of this training prepared Julie for the next step in her evolution. In 2009, Julie channeled in a very simple, yet powerful emotional healing modality that she named Energy Grid Healing™. This modality is currently taught as an elective in the Master Energy and Hawaiian Shamanic Practitioner Certification program.“ I am well versed in a variety of energy medicine techniques and modalities and Energy Grid Healing™ is by far the easiest and most effective emotional healing technique out there. What’s more it can be completely client-centered, which means it is tremendously empowering ,” comments Julie.
Julie and her partner Chris are continuously advancing their own skills so they can bring their students the most eclectic and solid training program available. Although their foundation is firmly in Hawaiian shamanism, they have taken Native American shamanic trainings as well and are often called to explore other ancient information that they then bring to their students.
Julie lives in San Jose, California where she maintains her alternative healing practice specializing in emotional breakthroughs.
Julie A. Hawkins, CEO & Co-founder
1685 Westwood Dr., Suite 2San Jose, CA 95125
Julie Hawkins: 408-978-7956
Email: info@newlogicsolutions.com
Website: http://spiritualandnoeticstudies.com