I learned to not take health for grantedat the age of 21. I awoke to the reality that in life there are no guarantees, when my father died of a second heart attack when he was only 52.
I became fascinated with how food choices have a major impact on energy, mood swings and struggles with weight, when at 22, I was diagnosed with a form of hypoglycemia. I was relieved to find there was a reason why I was too tired to move after meals, that I cried over losing a contact lens, and that having one cookie led to devouring the whole box.
My passion for finding all the puzzle pieces of what it takes to get healthy and remain healthy was ignitedwhen my son had recurring ear infections, even after tubes were inserted in his ears. I learned foods he ate every day created mucous that provided a medium for bacteria to grow. At the time, there were no professionals I could find who could help me adjust the diet of a 2 year old to deal with multiple food sensitivities. It was up to me to help him!
Now, it's that same passion, fascination and value for optimum quality of life that drives me to create innovative programs with time tested tools to help you find practical, simple, and do-able solutions as you struggle with your own health challenges.
My Mission
My mission is to demystify the "getting healthy" process, to show what foods can do for you, rather than to you, and to encourage the exploration of daily habits that help maintain energy and focus in the face of life's daily challenges.
My joy comes from supporting you through your process of discovering what works best for you and helping you maintain better eating habits and other life practices because of how good it makes you feel
My role is to help you understand what food and lifestyle choices will work best for you based on your unique metabolism, constitution and present body functioning. I then introduce you to a series of easy-to-use tools and practices that help you get on the path to health and wellbeing in a way and at a pace that is comfortable for you.
? Private Practice as a Clinical Nutritionist and Wellness Coach
? Co-Founder and CEO of Lifestyles of the Healthy Heart, LLC
? Corporate Trainer for programs in Nutrition, Stress Management, Smoke Cessation and Team building
? Workshop Developer and Presenter for Healthy Living & Effective Life Management Topics in medical, educational and corporate settings
? Professor of Nutrition and Wellness at Morris County College
? Clinical Nutritionist and Workshop Developer and Presenter at the South Orange Center for Preventive Medicine
Bucknell University, B.S., Education
University of Bridgeport, M.S. in Human Nutrition
Herbal Therapeutics School of Botanical Medicine 2 Year Program and Year of Graduate Studies
Wellcoaches,Corporation, Wellcoach Training Program
Professional Designations
C.N.S. (Certified Nutrition Specialist)
C.W.C. (Certified Wellness Coach)
Professional Memberships
American College of Nutrition
Your Path to Optimum Health and Weight Normalization , An eclectic workbook for building a healthy foundation for optimum health and weight as a model for getting to where you want to go in life, and help in determining where that is. @2005
Lifestyles of the Healthy Heart Pilot -currently forming small groups in corporations, Morris County, NJ and via Teleconference. Participants will receive individual consultations with a Certified Nutrition Specialist and an Exercise Physiologist and then participate in 12 weekly group coaching sessions with additional email support. Participants must agree to schedule a visit with their physician or cardiologist and get specific bloodwork, blood pressure check and weight taken before and after program. Once a month teleconference follow up with be available for at least the next 9 months. Participants agree to have statistics used blindly in study statistical analysis to be submitted for publication in applicable journals. There is a cost to participating in this program.
See www.lifestylesofthehealthyheart.org
for more details on the program.
Yard by yard can be hard, but inch by inch is a cinch.
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do - Epictetus
You gotta walk out of your history. It ain't history 'til you walk away from it. - Dr. Phil McGraw
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom. - Victor Frankel, Man's Search for Meaning
A change of heart changes everything!