JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn is a happy spiritual being having a human experience in the material world. His techniques, insights, and assistance in the formal application of mind power to improve personal life and the world in general are based on a lifetime of research and personal experience and aptitude in the right use of thought and mind power.
After extensive study, research, and dramatic real life experiences and experiments he published one of the leading methods in the world for applying mind power to transform the life you have now into the life you imagine is better.
His values behind this mind power stuff is that we are truly divine spiritual beings and we need to handle the mind in order to be always in love. And thus, voila, a wonderful life. He believes that the mind is part of the body, and the body is the projector of the life we have now. And the one we imagine is better. So we gotta program it!
His feeling is that when each person is able to use the power of thought to manifest using the Law of Attraction, those things that fulfill their own desires, they are thus following the voice of their divine spiritual being which speaks to them in their heart. He believes that when people manifest their own desires with harm to none and for goodness and in the forever light in this way they ultimately make the world a better place.
His mind power method is a 63 day (9 week) course that is easy yet profound to complete, and leads the person who does so step by step to certainly acquire the ability to handle the thoughts, feelings, choices, decisions, beliefs and attitudes that are manifesting the current life situation and transform them into a new and better pattern internally, which results in the desired outer changes as well.
As surely as the cart follows the ox, as Buddha has said.
His system is called Life Transformation System A-Z
and is a short but powerful home study course delivered in a 9 week home study course to teach you the world famous ClearTalk manifesting method. ClearTalk easily and concisely insures proper use of your mind to consciously created success as you imagine it to be in all areas of your life.
His advanced module is so incredible that it works on you with no effort at all other than listening to it! Once you have become trained in his manifesting method. Which only takes two hours.
One of the features of JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn's mission is that he provides many of his main product using what he calls "Financial Intelligence" which is basically inner guidance of a brilliant nature regarding innovative workings of money magic. For example many of his main products you can actually relate to the materials and use them freely for ANY PRICE YOU CHOOSE. This is a miracle.
"You may control a mad elephant;
You may shut the mouth of the bear and the tiger;
Ride the lion and play with the cobra;
By alchemy you may earn your livelihood;
You may wander through the universe incognito;
Make vassals of the gods; be ever youthful;
You may walk on water and live in fire:
But control of the mind is better and more difficult."
"Yoga is the control of the thought waves of the mind"Patanjali
"I am come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more abundantly."
John 10:10, Words of Jesus Christ
"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Caroll
I graduated with Honors in Psychology, got a "good job", not in psychology, and felt confused about my career. Over a several year period I connected with my Higher Self, with my other luminous unseen friends of quality and was led to learn how to consciously create my own reality.
This led me to within two years quit my normal job and live my life by consciously creating every aspect of it. Decades later, with many successes under my belt and in my experience, I stand on the threshold of entering a new level of this conscious reality creation.
From about 2004 to 2008 I released and tested worldwide a system I developed for sharing what I knew about the application of mind and thought to the art and science of consciously creating reality. The feedback from all over the world during those years and up until right now has transformed me and my presentation of the system I offer. It has touched my heart, awakened my soul in new ways, and from this I chose to radically transform the way I present the materials.
The new way of doing it has a new core technology called Financial Intelligence. I invite people to re-consider their motivation and willingness to be totally successfully and using the products and services I offer, or to be honest about being only ready to take one step at a time. The fun levels are skyrocketing, as is the intimacy and the love and the honesty and the trust and the feeling of being responsible, and cultivating conscious choice, and the power of the synergy of all of these.
I feel really good about the new way of doing it, and this is the time just now that I am learning to find the way to share these new ways of approaching the materials that gained worldwide recognition and the finest quality "create your own reality" tools, by unsolicited popular opinion and review. It is because of that, I am rising to the challenge of taking it all to the next level, with grace and elegance and peace and the highest magic of them all, Love's Magic. It is so.
I wrote a new Quick Start Guide on my site to help anyone get started. Either to get started going to the next level in your own success, or to simply start consciously creating your own reality at all.
please use the form at my main website to contact me or you can use any of my social media links found on that page as well. Peace and Love always and forever.