A professional speaker and trainer, Johan delivers exciting and empowering presentations, seminars and workshops. Using his diverse background to relate to key business principles, Johan enriches his content with insightful and dramatic illustrations, stories, and humour.
Johan has the ability to make the most complicated subject easy to understand and the most sensitive subject easy to deal with.
In the words of one delegate; "It's been said that a picture paints a thousand words, Johan's words paint a thousand pictures. You don't listen to Johan. You experience him"
His seminars are the distillation of years of study, his personal library is over 4,000 books, he has constantly searched for the principles that, when applied, lead to a better life of prosperity, good health and rewarding relationships.
In the words of another delegate; "Johan gives us a genuinely original and inspiring way of understanding ourselves and our place in the universe. I was increasingly impressed and then converted by his learned explanation for society's competitive and self-destructive behaviour."
More than thirty years of business experience provides a vast wealth of information and experience upon which he draws as a professional speaker and trainer in relating to his audiences. Each presentation is a "living work in progress" constantly evolving as new information is discovered.
Johan's workshops and seminars have been rated by virtually every delegate as the best they have ever attended and the results in terms of personal growth have been phenomenal.
His purpose in life is to help other people become aware of the unlimited potential that they have bottled up inside of them - because only when they are aware of this enormous reserve of potential will they be able to access it and use it.
Johan's goal in speaking to each group is threefold: to open their minds, to touch their emotions, and to challenge their perceptions .
Most people are where they are simply because they did not consciously choose to be somewhere else.
Strive to identify, and fulfil your responsibilities before you attempt to assert your rights.
Emotional Mastery is the ability to control your behaviour in the present in order to achieve a desired outcome in the future.
Before you can achieve your dream, you must become the person who deserves your dream.
You cannot become the person you want to be while you remain the person you are.
The best way to get started is to visit my website at www.motivate.co.za
and subscribe to my ezine "
Your Best Life
You should spend some time in the archives so that you can get a good idea of the work that I do.
And of course you should buy my books. No library could possibly be complete without them :).
Johan V Campbell
website - http://www.motivate.co.za
email - johan@motivate.co.za
South Africa