To help clients stay the course in initiatives through thick and thin, achieve their goals, and keep their initiatives going FOREVERMO !
ACHIEVEMENT MAINTENANCE EXPERT:I have been providing guidance, support, training, and coaching to individuals and groups to help them maintain momentum in important projects, programs and initiatives and achieve their goals for over 20 years. Prior to that I spent 20 years in industry as an executive and consultant.
WRITER:I am the author of Momentum Mind: Achiever’s Mind , an interactive 35 lesson training program that is available on the website, as well as an ebook with the same title that will be available Spring 2013.. In addition I blog regularly at www.maintainmomentum/blog , write articles on the website www.maintainmomentum.com , post often at www.facebook.com/maintainmomentum , tweet at www.twitter.com/DrMoToGo , and contribute articles on achievement, momentum thinking , motivation, inspiration, and goal maintenance on this website.
MOMENTUM COACH :I am known as Dr. Mo by coaching clients, members on the maintainmomentum website, colleagues and thousands of people around the world who read my morning email AmMo , and my blog, posts on facebook, and messages on Twitter. I have dedicated my life to helping individuals, groups, and teams keep the gains of their initiatives, projects and programs going over the long haul. I provide coaching service offline in my office practice and online through the Live! Video feature of www.maintainmomentum.com .
MAINTAIN MOMENTUM :I created www.maintainmomentum.com to provide powerful, and cost effective interactive support, resources, advice, coaching, and training services to individuals, groups, and organizations anywhere in the world. Maintain momentum is the only website on the internet that is specifically designed to help individuals, groups, and teams stick with their initiatives, reach their goals, and sustain their benefits.
“If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” “If I am for myself alone, what am I?”“If not now, when?” - Hillel
“Talent is God-given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful.Conceit is self-given. Be Careful.” – John Wooden
“Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.” – Ann Landers
“The time to mend the roof is when the sun is shining.” – John F. Kennedy
To get started click on www.maintainmomentum.com and complete the Free Thinking Assessment. You will get results, recommendations and a FREE Membership giving you full access to all the features and tools of the member site including my AmMomorning email, a 5 Lesson Momentum Mind Intro Course, and my blog, to help keep going, through thick and thin, in any initiative you begin.
email: joelsimms@maintainmomentum.com
email: drmo@maintainmomentum.com
blog: http://www.maintainmomentum.com/blog
linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/maintain-momentum
facebook: www.facebook.com/maintainmomentum
twitter: www.twitter.com/DrMoToGo
tel: (416) 924-0757