As an advocate of healthy eating and good nutrition, Joanne understands that the choices we make, and choosing them wisely, is the key to wellness.
Wanting to improve her own health, Joanne began looking at diet and nutrition and found most health related problems result from too many unhealthy choices and not enough healthy ones. Considering that nowadays our food supply is lacking in essential nutrients, Joanne began realizing the need for supplements of the highest quality.
A Member of The AIM Companies™ for over twenty four years, Joanne takes pride in sharing her knowledge of nutrition and the AIM products with others to help educate them in making the best choices available to support a healthy lifestyle.
Joanne is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and holds certificates in Nutrition: Studies and Applications, Natural Health Fundamentals, Sports and Fitness Nutrition, and Vegetarian Nutrition. Joanne writes and educates on nutrition and how it relates to health.
She spends her time reading and researching health and nutrition topics for her articles and newsletter, and also enjoys helping her expert husband with his on-line marketing business. She lives outside of Hillsburgh, Ontario, Canada with her husband Wayne and their cat-kid Sam. Visit to learn more about what I do, or visit for more information about the AIM products. Make sure you subscribe to her free monthly e-newsletter while you’re there.
To learn more about AIM BarleyLife, AIM Herbal Fiberblend, AIMega, AIM GlucoChrom or any of The AIM Companies superior whole-food powder concentrates and nutrient-based health supplements, place an order or become a Member, please click here to visit My AIM Store.
"Find something you love to do, and you will never work another day in your life." Unknown
"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it". Chinese Proverb
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