Jeff Wise was born in Denver, Colorado and has lived in Washington State, California, Connecticut, and Tennessee. He now resides in Nashville, Tenn. and has been married to his lovely wife, Kristy, since 2005. They have two children.
Jeff played baseball for 14 years, lettering all three years in high school baseball and even playing college baseball in the 1990s. He has a passion for baseball and has made it a goal to help as many players as possible with easy-to-learn baseball hitting tips. These tips are for the advanced as well as for those who just want to know how to hit a baseball.
After receiving a Bachelors degree in radio/television production from Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), he has worked for ABC News, ESPN, the NHL Hockey Team Nashville Predators, and Fox Sports News.
He also has nine years experiencein physical fitness, weight training and healthy nutrition. He has experience teaching children the fundamentals of baseball.
Jeff Wise was born in Denver, Colorado and has lived in Washington State, California, Connecticut, and Tennessee. He now resides in Nashville, Tenn. and has been married to his lovely wife, Kristy, since 2005. They have two children.
It has now become real important for Jeff and his wife to be roll models for their children and community in the ways of living a healthy lifestyle.
Kids health has become a number one priority for their family.
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