Best selling author , student of human nature, avid outdoorsman at 5 star hotels, speaks fluent smart ass, can see and reflect your life mission in 5 minutes flat, loves having 2 sons so he can play with their toys, still fantasizes about his wife after 25 years, loves ideas, but loves results even more , can simultaneously laugh and cry for different reasons at the same time, has never been star struck (but did not get a chance to meet martin Luther King, and there would have been teenage girl screaming if I had).
I am dedicated to instigating a global movement of Conscious Creators and supporting people to organize their life and resources around their passions and gifts.
His interests include television and video production, restoring vintage sports cars, running, Macintosh computers, real estate investing and learning new technology.
He is committed to personal development, conscious parenting, lifelong learining, the end of extreme poverty, community contribution and discovery.
visit for more information and to register for The Gift, a 3 day life changing program- for FREE.
• "The inner landscape of your thoughts and feelings determines what actions you will or will not take in your life. The greatest leaps in personal evolution and accountability will happen by focusing on and expanding the forces that you can control, not by wasting time and energy on what you can’t control."
• "The hallmark of Personal Accountability is absence of blame."
• It is not wrong to be victimized, and it is not right to be personally accountable. In many cases, you have every right to be victimized.
• However, you must ask yourself if this is your wisest choice.
• Your recurring experiences of victimization are one of your best clues to your mission in life.
• Being victimized is what happens to you. Becoming a Victim is how you respond.
• You can have a real victim experience and not choose to be a Victim. It is also possible for there to be no victimization and still be a Victim.
• Personal Accountability: A framing device that eliminates blame of self and others, providing the power of choice, participation, and co-creation of the experiences and results in our lives, real or imagined.
• Acceptance of the reality of victimization is a necessary prerequisite to Personal Accountability.
• We cannot learn from our victim experiences if our belief system frames the experiences as “these are about them, not me.” Such framing allows us to dismiss the experiences and prevents our asking the deeper questions.
• Recurring negative patterns are feedback that I am resisting something. The important question is what?
• If you want to become more conscious of when you are blaming others, notice when you use the word “Why”—“Why do they treat me that way?” “Why does my boss always give me the worst jobs?” “Why” often assumes that others are wrong and implies blame.
• A wise man once said, “Everything that precedes the word ‘but’ is bullshit.”
• Blame and guilt are closely-related negative emotions. If you feel guilty in your life, that is another clue that you may be operating in Self-Blame Victim mode.
You can purchase Jay Fiset's Book "Reframe Your Blame" How to be Personally Accountable by visiting