For decades Jard has researched, written and published more than a score of books, psychological tests, college and business courses that include NICE GUYS FINISH FIRST, LOVERS FOR LIFE, LEADERSHIP PSYCHOLOGY, LEADERSHIP POWER (Japanese), LOS BUENOS TAMBIEN GANAN (Spanish), THE LIBERATED SOUL, THE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP, THE SELF-PROFILE, FRONTIERS OF FULFILLMENT, and quite a few others.
He has conducted programs for scores of colleges, universities, large and small companies, service clubs, professional societies and religious denominations. By way of example, Jard originally developed GRACE UNDER PRESSURE as his textbook when teaching leadership psychology in the Executive Development Program at the University of Arizona in Tucson. It was then published and sold world-wide as a major offering in The New American Library’s Executive Growth Series of management courses.
He also wrote the training program now titled PARENTING WINNING CHILDREN, as the text for his staff psychologists, social workers and teachers when he was Director of the Child Conservation Center, a learning and learning disabilities clinic conjoined with the University of Wisconsin in Madison. THE PASTOR’S HANDBOOK ON INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS and THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WITNESSING are currently being used as the FRIENDSHIP EVANGELISM program by about twenty thousand ministers in the Seventh-day Adventist fellowship that is baptizing a million or so new members every year. We take great satisfaction from that contribution to a devout faith community.
FRONTIERS OF FULFILLMENT has been taught professionally in many corporations, colleges, universities, congregations and associations -- where it averaged very high ratings.
These courses have proven so interesting and so valuable that for two decades the participants gave them an incredible 3.50 average approval rating on a four point scale.Jard’s decade of leadership programs for the University of Arizona were rated at 3.68 by twenty different classes of ambitious and intelligent corporate executives who found his insights very useful. In addition, during one ten year period, we appeared on so many talk shows, in lecture sessions and in classes -- that we helped literally millions of persons around the world -- from London to Singapore, from Tokyo to Brisbane and Auckland and from coast to coast and border to border within the United States.
Here are what some very perceptive persons write about these amazing life enhancing programs.
From everything I’ve seen and heard, Jard DeVille is indeed the world’s foremost motivational psychology author. LEOPOLD HAUSER, President - International Federation of Training Organizations.
Jard’s work contains sticks of dynamite that explode old myths while assuring me that I really can improve my life. FRED NORDSTROM, V P - Cargill Corporation.
Jard’s work contains sticks of dynamite that explode old myths while assuring me that I really can improve my life. FRED NORDSTROM, V P - Cargill Corporation.
Following Jard’s recommendations will result in greater commitment and a deepened sense of fulfillment for our membership. EMERSON COLAW, Bishop -- The United Methodist Church.
Jard DeVille, for years, has used his writing and speaking skills to give us the excellence we want in our programs. JOSEPH HRABOSKI, Executive Programs Director - University Of Arizona, Tucson.
Jard DeVille combines psychological and scientific knowledge better than anyone I’ve known personally since Albert Einstein. DUGAL ARBUCKLE, Professor/Counseling Chairman - Boston University.
Excellence could be measured by a willingness to learn and use the powerful concepts taught by Jard DeVille. ROBERT CONKLIN - Chairman, The Conklin Chemical Company.
LOGOTHERAPY LEARNING CENTER - We provide world class pragmatic career-enhancing online degrees in Logotherapy for professionals and students in any career field requiring interpersonal knowledge plus deep self-awareness to assure consistent success and personal fulfillment. Viktor Frankl Logotherapy combined with Jard DeVille's concepts is the potent emerging multi-discipline approach that offers you the ethical virtues, positive attitudes, high expectations, mature beliefs and responsible choiceswhich will make your life and career rewarding to yourself and significant to others.
Design your own online degree program in Logotherapy, it will enhance the quality of your life by initiating personal transformation in love, labor and leadership. See for yourself, download YOUR SEARCH FOR A MEANINGFUL LIFE - Logotherapy and Life online course without any cost to you.
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Maximize your potential with our effective programs for your health and, personal and professional improvement.
Discover Logotheraphy with the Fulfillment Forum's e-book courses and seminars and be the successful person you ought to be.
For over half a century we have helped a great many people like yourself, from different walks of life, maketheir lives fulfilling and meaningful through teaching, counseling; and by publishing powerful books, tests and seminars.
Now let's talk about you. Do you struggle with any of the challenges listed below?
View The Fulfillment Forum - Power and Purpose Courses at
Jard & Roberta DeVille
published psychology books, seminars & psychological assessment instruments.
NICE GUYS FINISH FIRST was a best seller. He & Roberta wrote 'LOVERS FOR LIFE'
and other courses/books together. She's been a wonderful teacher in Minneapolis for many years.He’s considered by many to be America’s foremost leadership scholar.
Welcome to for Free E-Book Courses and Internet Business Tools.
For over half a century we have helped a great many people like yourself, from different walks of life, make their lives fulfilling and meaningful through teaching, counseling; and by publishing powerful books, tests and seminars.
For, while some individuals perceive a conflict between psychology and religion, between worship and psychotherapy, both disciplines stem from the same roots, from the same human needs for faith, hope and love in a community of men and women with whom we share life. It is when crucial needs go unmet that our lives turn barren and become as dry as dust, leaving us existentially frustrated, stuck in the midst of life and prone to aggressive and self-defeating choices.
We combine Viktor’s concept of seeking individual meaning -- with a communal search for belonging with the people with whom we share love. We have gone on to promote the wisdom of opening avenues of meaning and purpose -- within the places of the heart with the men and women with whom we share love and support. This is represented in the following equation.
FULFILLMENT = f (Meaning X Belonging)
For it is the balanced way we work and play, love and learn and persevere and worship -- our maturing choices, that determine the depth of our fulfillment and the consistent satisfaction that follows.
The Fulfillment Forum offers you a psychospiritual approach that transcends much of the luck of the draw, that enables you to live and love through effective and efficient processes. We no longer need to automatically accept whatever nature and society gives us. We really can bypass the attitudes, expectations and choices that served our ancestors reasonably well a century or so ago but have become disastrous today.
Please visit us at The Fulfillment Forum to learn more about our Power and Purpose Courses today.
Jard & Roberta DeVille
Please Visit for more information or contact us .
Jard & Roberta DeVille
The Fulfillment Forum
3414 W 46th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55410