My name is Holly Mae Howard, and I live in Los Angeles, California. I am a psychic channeler. I teach channeling as well as psychic development, and it is my joy to be doing this work. I love helping people see their path more clearly, as it is shown to me. I really enjoy the feelings of love that are exchanged by my readings and classes.
I have a passion for learning and spiritual discovery, which I’ve pursued for over twenty years. I am also an empath, which is someone with the ability to feel other peoples’ feelings. This aids me in my work, especially with health issues when I'm channeling Malcolm, my main guide, who is very drawn to healing and health.
I first started in my spiritual quest when I found myself at a question and answer evening with a psychic channeler with a friend. I had no interest in the psychic work, but I felt really drawn to the man himself, and we ended up living together! I have had many psychic readings from many different psychics, and I have always preferred the channeled types of readings to the ones that are not channeled. How could I have known that twenty years in the future, I too would be channeling?
I went to a small spiritual gathering where there were two channelers and some other healers. I got a reading, and the next day, for “some reason,” I asked myself if I could do it too. I sat with a girlfriend and gave her a reading, and it was amazing to both of us. I was only mildly surprised to find out that I could do it, since I have utilized my intuition for years, and, as I mentioned before am a natural empath.
I have searched for a long time to find answers to the question, “What is my life’s purpose?” The big question. I’ve finally found my life’s purpose. Malcolm’s coming into my life has given me the gift of knowing what I love to do, which is helping people, and it’s a rich experience for me as well.
My most recent guide, Carvao, is very drawn to issues of Life Purpose. She is very gentle and wonderful, and she makes a reading full of love and joy.
I invite you to explore with me and my guides to find your life's purpose, or to explore other matters in your career, personal life, health, finances, or other areas. .
I am a painter and a writer as well as a psychic, and I sell my artwork
online, and blog about spiritual/inspirational matters.
"If you don't go within, you go without." - Neale Donald Walsh
People go through their whole lives wondering what they are here for. Don't you find yourself asking "What is my purpose? I have explored lots of different avenues to find it, and every step along the way is an indicator. Whether you have lived your life as a successful orator, author, business owner, or, like me, if you've sort of stumbled your way along your path, it still leads you to your true calling. Think about it.
I started out just wanting to have fun, be free and make money, so I became a waitress and caterer. I've worked at many, many events, and got comfortable with chaos. I explored all kinds of spiritual and personal growth options while I was doing that. Then I "got serious" and became a corporate technical recruiter. I used my talents of psychic empathy within the corporate environment to show people that there really is more out there than what you can see. I used to jokingly call myself "A Virus in Corporate America" because I had all kinds of people coming to my office to see what this pain meant, or what their mother needed to heal from that ailment, or whatever.
All of those choices and events were leading up to this moment in my life where I opened up to psychic channeling and to putting on a quarterly event called The Diamond Light Spiritual Expo where people can come to find healings, readings, be inspired by brilliant speakers, and perhaps find their true purpose or pathway. My purpose in life is to inspire people.
I invite you to take a look at your own life and see where it has led you up until this very moment. If you are a mechanic, do you help peoples' lives run more smoothly? If you are a doctor, healing is obviously the path you have chosen, but what if you really want to be a musician? There is a song in everyone's heart! The trick is to listen to the music.
Psychic channeling can open up a place in your own heart for you to find your music. No matter how shut down some of my clients have been, I have seen Malcolm, Ingira or Moonstar reach into each person's heart and speak of that music to them. Their energy shifts. Their hearts get engaged. They are validated like never before in their lives, because someone sang their song back to them.
I invite you to look at your history to find your future. See what your choices (yes, they were all choices, even if you became a lawyer for your mother!) have said about you.
What are your strengths? Where and what are you moving towards? You have a purpose, and it is to give your gifts!
Please contact me for psychically channeled readings at or email me at . Get clear and move forward to fulfill your life's purpose.