Finding Inner Peace
Through her search for inner fulfilment, Helen discovered a gateway to inner peace in 1980, when she began to practise four techniques, known as 'Knowledge', as taught by Prem Rawat, internationally renowned ambassador for Peace. Prem Rawat teaches a practical way called Knowledge, which allows a person to access the innate peace that lies within each of us.
Helen's work as a part-time instructor for Prem Rawat in the late eighties involved meeting with individuals and groups to facilitate their journey on their path of inner peace. She spoke in front of audiences in the UK, Holland and South Africa from 1980-1991.
“Practising the simple techniques of Knowledge brings me to a place of peace inside myself that I call home” says Helen. She joyfully still continues this daily practice, 28 years later. It forms the basis of her deepest gratitude, serenity, clarity and fulfilment.
Journey through Art
Helen's earlier semi-abstract paintings (1990-96), the Art of Movement collection, were mostly centred around movement, depicting her passion for music and dance.
Since 1998, Helen has worked with Kabbalist teacher John Oakley, in a process called 'Inner Work'. Through guided visualisation, her discovery of the truth beneath her personal dramas, has inspired a series of paintings called the Journey Series, portraying her inner journey of transformation and healing. Exploring vocal harmonics and painting whilst doing vocal toning has resulted in a series of paintings called Harmonic Series.
Since completing her painting The Journey, which took two years, Helen discovered her 'forgotten inner musician'. She's been embracing music ever since, playing piano, keyboards, drums, toning her voice. This wonderful healing experience fuelled her inspiration to set up a new platform for personal and creative transformation, together with inspirational musician, Robert Norton. Originally called Creative Journeys,and now known as Energising Your Life, these workshops have inspired people in Russia, Greece, South Africa and the UK.
Passion for movement
Helen's natural passion for movement, fitness and dance found a new Joy when she discovered the holistic fitness program, NIA. Helen now has her Green Belt and teaches NIA at mainstream health clubs in London, as well as at Energising Your Life seminars. She has alos taught NIA at the Happiness workshop run by Robert Holden (PhD), whose work has featured on Oprah, Good Morning America and Hay House Radio.
Determined to find natural ways to heal 25 years of persistent sore throats, Helen studied Mental Color Therapy in 1984, with Lily Cornford. The technique is based on visualising colours of specific flowers and channelling them through the hands, to a various parts of the body. "This technique has been invaluable in my healing process. Through integrating it with inner work and vocal toning, I've freed my voice and healed my throat" says Helen.
Intuitive Painting
In 1993 Helen’s painting career took a major step forward when she studied Intuitive Painting with Jane Cory-Wright, a former student of Cecil Collins. (who was an individualist and like William Blake, favoured symbolic and mystical subjects).
Through producing 28 paintings in 3 days, Helen discovered the voice of her inner child. She made a commitment then to always listen to her inner guidance and felt inspired to one day teach others how to access and listen to their inner guidance. Our intuition is like any other faculty, the more you use it, the more refined and toned it becomes.
Even if you haven’t picked up a paintbrush or a crayon since you were a child, following your intuition with creative expression will allow you to discover your feelings through colour and form. There is no right or wrong or good or bad in this method. You are free to express whatever is there.
Your painting will reveal to you exactly what is going on in your life and allow you to find the clarity to move forward positively.
Even if you haven’t picked up a paintbrush or a crayon since you were a child, following your intuition with creative expression will allow you to discover your feelings through colour and form. There is no right or wrong or good or bad in this method. You are free to express whatever is there.
Even if you were told you have a terrible voice... it isn't true! There is a way you can discover your healing voice and reap the benefits.
You can learn to improvise music even if you think you have no musical skills.
Ask yourself these questions:
The way I work with people who wish to learn a creative way to live a life of self-healing, addresses the answers to the above questions.